FRANTZ, Christopher, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 207
August 1819
The humble petition of Christopher FRANTZ, late of his Majesty's Life Guards, humbly sheweth
That he has served for the space of nine years as a soldier with the British Army as a private and uncommissioned officer both in Europe and America and is likewise received three wounds during that time in the service and is now discharged on reduction; has a wife and three children unprovided for, that he is out off employment these eleven months past and has disposed of all that he possessed for the support of his distressed family. Your petitioner has made application before about two years ago and has received the enclosed answer but in consequence of not getting a passage, being necessited to enter again in the service namely in His Majesty's Life Guards from which he is now discharged. Your humble petitioner therefore begs that his Lordship may be graciously pleased to appoint him as one of the settlers in the Cape of Good Hope as he considers himself quite capable for the cultivation of land should it meet the approbation of his Lordship to take the misfortune of his distressed family in his consideration to favour him with an answer that his proposal may be granted. Your petitioner will procure the sum of ten pounds from one of his friends immediately by producing his Lordship's answer and not without.
He will be in duty bound shall ever pray
Christopher FRANTZ
c/o Mr. LITTLE, No.14 Tooley Street, Borough
List of 10 Men who wish to embark for the Cape of Good Hope
Thomas BOSLEY |
Aged 33 |
2 children |
William WILLIAMS |
Aged 30 |
1 child |
Charles QUINNELL |
Aged 24 |
2 children |
Christopher FRANCE [sic] |
Aged 29 |
3 children |
Recommended by His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent |
Thomas DWYRE |
Aged 28 |
2 children |
Aged 22 |
None |
Aged 24 |
None |
Aged 26 |
None |
Robt GREY |
Aged 29 |
3 children |
John LANE |
Aged 30 |
None |
The above humbly solicit from H. GOULBURN Esq an answer directed to Christopher FRANTZ, No 2 Clean Alley, Tooley Street
Address of each
No.27 Noel Court, Noel Street, Bermondsey New Road |
Do. |
Do. |
Christopher FRANTZ |
No.2 Clean Alley, Tooley Street |
Thos. DWYER |
15 Cheese Court, Oxford Road |
28 Gt. Marlborough Street |
3 Tower Royal Court, Tower Royal, Budge Row |
Do. |
Robt GREY |
34 Gloucester Street, Lambeth |
John LANE |
20 Newton Street, Holborn |
- Hits: 6379