National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 165
Tarts Court
Stanforth Street
6th Aug 1819
May it please your Royal Highness
The humble petition of Thomas FORRESTER humbly sheweth
That Yr R Highness's petitioner has served on Peninsula in the 82nd Regiment of Foot for the space of 3 years and 89 days and was discharged from the above regiment on the 6th day of February last 1819 at the Hospital Kilmainham at 6d per diem and was then about 28 years of age for Rupture and Yr R Highness's petitioner seeing the R Proclamation for the encouragement of Yr R Highness's subjects wishes to extend his services to the Cape of Good Hope having a Wife and Child, and Yr R Highness's petitioner is willing to give up his Pension provided Yr R Highness will be graciously pleased to cause some allotment to be granted to Yr R Highness's petitioner which would enable him to provide a small subsistence when arrived at the Place of Distanation for himself and small Family being incapable of procuring any at present only what is allowed me from the R Hospital and leaves my case to Yr R Highness's most gracious consideration in hopes of Yr R Highness causing Information to be given how Yr R Highness's petitioner is to proceed and Yr R Highness's petitioner as in duty bound will ever Pray
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