FOOT, Robert
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 119
South Wales
22 July 1819
My Lord,
Having observed that it is the intention of his Government to encourage the surplus clas of the labouring people of this country who were willing to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope for their support.
I beg leave to say that I have a small allowance of half pay from his Majesty's Government of 2d per diem. Previous to my having the good fortune to serve his Majesty my pursuits were that of agriculture and likewise since the year of 1800. I beg to say that I am desirous to take myself and family to the above place if the Government will be pleased to give me an employment. The favour of an answer is requested.
I have the honor to be my Lord
Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
Rob't FOOT
PS Upwards of four hundred people have emigrated I suppose to the United States of America a few weeks since in one vessel from the town of Cardigan
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