FENNELL, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 129
Cork, July 26th 1819
My Lord,
Having seen a circular in the public papers on the subject of emigration to the Cape of Good Hope, and wishing to have a few points explicitly ascertained, I beg leave to address the following observations to your Lordship.
I was bred a farmer and can lay down the deposit mentioned for 15 or 20 families. I could also procure about 100 families to emigrate with me and if government should think proper to entrust me I would engage to act as agent both here and at the Cape on being allowed some privilege adequate to the trust.
I would wish to know particularly at what time a vessel may be ready to carry emigrants and from what port, what implements of husbandry would be necessary to carry if any. At what time from their arrival would adventurers be put in possession of the promised lands, and in case of any unnecessary or unforeseen delay what provision would Government allow for their maintenance untill their first crops would arrive at maturity, as a number of people landed in a foreign country destitute of resources would soon consume the means on which they may now calculate to render themselves and families comfortable for life. Also if the sum to be refunded by Government in instalments would be sufficient to procure them the necessary seeds, stock &c for the formation of a settlement & at what distance from the place of landing are the proposed lands situated.
If Government should think proper to accept of my services by sending me particular instructions I would immediately on receipt thereof commence engaging a number of people to emigrate, and trust that a few weeks would accomplish the object. At all events an answer to the different queries within stated would be of service to me.
I have the honour to be your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
Please direct to the Care of John STRANGE Esq, Cork
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 203
Aug 26th 1819
My Lord,
I had the honour of receiving your Lordship's circular of the 6th instant and shall feel very happy in complying with the terms proposed by Government in your Lordship's first circular.
I am ready to lay down the deposit for twelve families but am at a loss to know what description of people would be rejected & what allowed to proceed to the Cape with respect to the people whom I have engaged as they are to be almost domesticals with me for some time after our arrival. I have been particular to select none but such as bear good character which together with their willingness to become settlers I can get certified by two or more magistrates, the Parish minister and the Parish priest. Any other document that his Majesty's Government may require (when notified) I shall cheerfully comply with.
I trust that Government will comply with the wishes of some individuals in Cork who purpose taking out a number of settlers and facilitate their endeavours by sending the requisite transports to Cork.
Should your Lordship be kind enough to intimate to me what description will be permitted to go I will forward the within mentioned documents together with the deposit required and make the most expeditious arrangements to be ready for the first ship that sails for the Cape.
I have the honour to be your Lordship's most obedt hbl svt
Please direct as before to the care of John STRANGE Esq, Cork
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