National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 31
28 July 1819
My Lord
Understanding it to be the intention of Government, to establish a settlement to the S.E. and within the boundries of the Cape of Good Hope.
Should your Lordship be in want of a person as a Deputy Storekeeper, clerk, or assistant surveyor, I beg to offer myself as a candidate for such appointment, and hope that a service of more than 16 years in the Navy, nearly 13 of them as Purser, may give me some claims to your Lordship's attention: and should your Lordship be pleased to consider me eligible for a situation of that nature, I will produce for your Lordship's satisfaction the most unequivocal testimonials from the Captains with whom I have sailed, and also letters from the Mercantile House by whom I have been employed as Supercargo since I have been on half-pay. The affairs of a colony, in not a very advanced state; are not altogether new to me, having been Purser of the Crocodile with Commodore COLUMBINE when he was governor of Sierra Leone in 1810 & 1811 and by him frequently employed in the Colonial office.
For my wife, children, and an agricultural servant or two which I should beg might be allowed to accompany, or follow me to the Colony; I should propose making the same deposit as other settlers going to the same place. Being informed there are printed regulations or conditions relative to emigrating to the Cape, if it is not contrary to the rules of Office may I beg a copy of them.
I have the honor to be My Lord
Your Lordship's most obedient servant
Purser, Royal Navy
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