National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 35
July 30, 1819
I humbly beg pardon for being so bold in sending these few lines to solicit your goodness to inform me of intelligence concerning the Cape of Good Hope as I am a labouring man & out of employ and I am willing to work for my wife and two children has there is no employ at this time in London and I here that their is numbers going there for employment.
I am very willing to go providing I should meat your approbation. I will do the best of my endeavour to make myself useful in whatever capacity I am put under as I am a young man at the age of thirty six and my wife twenty six and my son is twenty months.
Please send me word as soon as possible and direct for me Britania Court, Britania Town, Lambeth
I conclude from your
Humble servant
- Hits: 5944