DREW, John
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 598
20 Horseferry Road
July 22nd 1819
My Lord,
I understand it is the intention of His Majesty's Government to send out to the Cape such Farmers, Manufacturers &c &c as are desirous of emigrating but have not the means of transporting themselves & families. I presume in forming a colony opportunities might offer of confering offices of trust in Men who have been liberally educated, & whose talents, family & character are respectable, but who from the unavoidable pressure of the times or misfortunes in business are without means of present support; such my Lord is the situation of the Man who now presumes to address you & that the recommendations I have enumerated in reality attach to me, I beg to refer your Lordship to the Hon.Admiral GARDNER & his lady, Chelsea, Mr. OSBALDSTONE MP, Mr. W.SMITH MP, the Rev. Henry BILE, Holme, near Downham, Norfolk, or Mr. TOWNSHEND, Horseferry Road, Westminster. I have managed a very large farm in Norfolk & I can prove to your Lordship's entire satisfaction that it was considered second to none (in point of cultivation) in that highly distinguished county. The testimonials I am enabled to produce will convince your Lordship that I am perfectly master of the three great branches of Agriculture; Farming, Breeding & Grazing, as well as Planting & Drainage & that I am competent to the management of any Estates, whatever their magnitude or variety of soils – but my Lord if no situation of this description presents itself I should be highly grateful & thankful to your Lordship for any office at the Cape or elsewhere which would afford me the means of support, no matter how arduous the exertion which would entitle me to it, for my Lord I have been bred in habits of most active industry, though liberally educated. I beg further to state to your Lordship that in times of difficulty & danger my Father, two Brothers and myself served several years in the Norfolk Clackilose Cavalry under Major HARE, a sufficient proof I trust of our devotedness to His Majesty's Person & Government.
I rely confidently on your Lordship's kindness & benevolence for my excuse in thus trespassing on your Lordship's valuable time. I have the honour to subscribe myself
Your Lordship's most obed't humble servant
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