National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 719
Cork, August 23rd 1819
Being informed that two gentlemen in this [city] were going to carry over a colony to the coast of Africa in consequence of having accepted the proposals offered by Government, we (12 young men) applyed to emigrate but [were] informed their number was full. We would want to be informed whether we would get a passage from government for ourselves and families to the coast of Africa provided we were able to carry over utensils and every other necessary on our own account, we would want to be informed also of the names and residence of all the proprietors going there in that some may have their number complete, others may stand very much in need of such persons. With humble diffidence I beg leave Sir to express my opinion so far as to say that the inhabitants of this city (of the poorer class) is all Idle almost and Idleness among the populace is always productive of the most dangerous consequences, consequently when some are [out of] the country they that remain will get work and the calm of the present clamours will be the produce of emigration.
I remain in town awaiting the answer of the letter as we all live in the country. {there is] expence to remain therefore I humbly presume an answer as soon as convenient
I remain with respect my Lord
Your obed't sevt
NB Direct to Mr. WHITE, Paul Street, Cork
- Hits: 5316