National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 817
13 Francis Street
4th Nov 1819
Having made myself acquainted with the circular of the terms offered by his Majesty's Government to persons wishing to settle at the Cape of Good Hope I beg leave to state that I have so far complied with them by procuring the number of persons pointed out in order to obtain the grant of 1000 acres & I am also prepared to pay the sum of £100 deposit.
I have therefore to request you will be pleased to acquaint Lord BATHURST I should be happy to embrace the opportunity offered to emigrants to that place. I am not aware what else is necessary to mention [obscured] I have formerly served but should it be requisite by your having the goodness to point out what further his Lordship may require it shall be immediately complied with
I have the honour to be Sir
Your obed't hble sevt
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 819
13 Francis Street
6th Nov 1819
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th inst informing me that Government do not intend to hold out any further encouragement to settlers proceeding to Algoa Bay. I have to request you will be pleased to state to My Lord BATHURST that having a property amounting to £1200 whether Government will allow me to proceed on my own private account to that place & what quantity of land would be granted to me for that capital.
I have the honor to be Sir
Yr obedt hbl svt
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