National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 677
No.1 Mead Row
7th Aug 1819
Hearing that Government were going to send a number of People to the Cape of Good Hope as Mechanics, Labourers &c and some in other situations I wish to know how far this statement is authentic as well as what prospect there may be of obtaining a living.
I apply on behalf of myself and a Matthew NELSON. I have been a Serjeant and Clerk in the Grenadier Guards and have Recommendations from Lord BENTINCK of the Grenadier Regiment and Colonel J. CLITHEROW of the 3rd Guards. I am 27 years of age, my wife is 26 years, and one boy four years old and my trade a Hair Dresser.
NELSON is about 24 [sic] years of age, has a wife and 3 children viz: one [girl] 11 years, a boy 6 years and a girl 2 years and he is by trade a Sawyer.
Should you think proper to accept our services I beg you will have the goodness to inform me what are the terms upon which we are allowed to emigrate. I have the honour to be Sir
Your most obedient servant
[Transcriber's note: The Settler Handbook has Matthew NELSON's age as 32, which is much more likely given that he had a daughter of 11]
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