CRAUSE, Charles, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 77
Borstal Court
W Rochester
July 26th 1819
My Lord,
In compliance with your Lordship's circular letter relative to Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope I beg leave to acquaint your Lordship I have ten useful and respectable families, some of whom possess good capitals, have offered to accompany me to the Cape for the purpose of becoming settlers there under the conditions and advantages laid down in your Lordships circular alluded to. I further beg leave to inform your Lordship that I am ready to make the deposit required as soon as I have the honor to receive instructions from your Lordship to that Effect. I trust from long and faithful services of my Father together with my own, your Lordship will be inclined to grant my request and allow me to go with the first Party in November.
I have the honor to be
Your Lordships Most Obt. humble servant
First Lt. R.Navy
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 213
[Rec'd 18 Aug 1819]
Borstal Court Farm
St. Margarets
My Lord,
In reference to my application of the 26th July, I beg leave to submit to your Lordship a list of the persons alluded to therein which I have selected to accompany me to the Cape of Good Hope, under the conditions laid down in the Government circular should your Lordship be pleased to grant my request. The capital of the party will be about two thousand pounds.
I have procured from the different offers such persons as appeared to me the most likely to ensure success. As those persons of the party who rent lands and houses have given the regular notice to quit at Michaelmas and of course remaining in the most anxious suspense, I trust your Lordship with favour me with your most gracious decision as early as convenient.
I have the honor to be yr Lordships most Obed.t Humble Servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 214
Lt. Charles CRAUSE's Party for the Cape
Names |
Ages |
Trades |
under 14 yrs
over 14 yrs
over 18 yrs
Remarks |
Lt.Chas.CRAUSE |
35 |
Farmer |
5 |
Lt.& Adjt. John CRAUSE |
26 |
Mr. Samuel MOLLETT |
40 |
Gardener |
3 |
Mr. Thos. PHILLIPS |
35 |
Carpenter |
5 |
Mr. Wm. DREDGE |
29 |
Cbt. Maker |
1 |
Mr. Jno. DREDGE |
26 |
Printer |
4 |
Mr. Jas. MOCROFT [sic] |
26 |
Gardener & Leather Dresser |
2 |
Mr. Rich'd ATWELL Sen |
48 |
Farmer |
3 |
1 |
Mr. Rich'd ATWELL Jun |
19 |
Baker |
Single Man |
Mr. Wm. ATWELL |
22 |
Baker |
Single Man |
25 |
Cooper |
2 |
Mr. Geo. JOHNSON |
19 |
Tallow Melter |
Single |
Mr. Chas. HUGMAN |
22 |
Tallow Melter |
Single |
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 245
Borstal Court Farm
St. Margarets
Aug 25 1819
My Lord,
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your Lordships letter of [blank space] and to forward on the other side the list required of me. I beg leave also to assure your Lordship that I am ready and willing to comply in every particular with the conditions upon which His Majesty's Government have offered to grant lands at the Cape of Good Hope.
I have the honor to be your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
1st Lt R N
This is to certify that we the unsigned [sic] persons are willing to proceed with out families under Lieutenant Charles CRAUSE to the Cape of Good Hope for the purpose of becoming settlers there and that we are willing to conform ourselves to all the conditions upon which His Majesty's Government have offered to grant lands in that Colony
[actual signatures]
John CRAUSE Lt.& Adjt.HP
William DREDGE
Charles HUGMAN
Samuel John MOLLETT
Rich. Labrun ATTWELL
Return of the Number, Names and Age of all the persons, Men Women and Children, of Lt. C. CRAUSE's Party for the Cape
Lt. Chas. CRAUSE 35
Mrs. Emily CRAUSE 26
Major 9
Edward 7
Charles 5
Emily 3
Henry 1
Lt.& Adjt. John CRAUSE 26
Mrs. Amelia CRAUSE 25
Mr. Sam'l Jno. MOLLETT 40
Mrs. Margaret MOLLETT 35
Rebecca Ann 13
John Austin 9
Samuel 6
Mr. Wm. DREDGE 29
Mrs. Elizabeth DREDGE 25
Mr. John DREDGE 26
Mrs. Eleanor DREDGE 28
Eleanor Luisa 7
John Cole 4
Mary Jane 2
Maria 1
Mr. Thos. PHILLIPS 35
Mrs. Alice PHILLIPS 35
Robert 10
Anna 8
Thomas 5
Maria 3
George 1
Mr. Rich'd ATWELL Jun 19
Mr. Wll'm ATWELL 22
Mr. Rich'd ATWELL Sen 48
Mrs. Anne ATWELL 46
Edwin 17
Sarah 13
James 11
Brook 9
Mr. James MOORCROFT 28
Mrs. Sarah MOORCROFT 28
George 8
Mr. George JOHNSON 19
Mr. Charles HUGMAN 22
Mr. William GARLAND 23
Mrs. Sophia GARLAND 19
William 3
Julianna 1
13 Men
9 Women
23 children under 14
I child above 14
46 Grand Total
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 407
Oct 11th 1819
I should esteem it a favour if you would address your answer to me at Mr. HARRIS's Royal Navy, Mill Street, Lambeth Walk, London as I have given up my farm for the purpose of proceeding to the Cape as a settler
I have the honor to be Sir
Your obdt sevt
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 493
Mill Street
Nov 8th 1819
Having heard that our fowling pieces, powder and shot will be seized if we take them on board – I should, if that is the case, feel particularly obliged if you would have the goodness to inform me how I am to act to obtain permission to ship them, as the whole of my party have provided themselves with one each for the purpose of killing game and to protect their property.
Should it be in your power to afford me any information respecting the time of our embarkation I should feel grateful for the communication.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your obdt sevt
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