National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 375
Doctors Commons
Sept 30 1819
Making use of the name of Dr. ADAMS as an Introduction I beg leave to request some precise information with regard to the intended Colony in the Cape District. Will an able bodied person, of or above the age of 18 years, going out under the protection of the Head of a Party of adventurers, be allowed to become a proprietor of a hundred acres, if he should offer from his own resources the desired deposit; or will he be merely one of the satellites of a superior planet? For that point does not clearly appear from the circular notice. Will he be only a tenant, at will, of the house that he may erect? It would also be a gratification to me to learn from you whether the old Colony will, as far as may be practicable, meet the immediate exigencies of the strangers who may otherwise be exposed, even if they should not be destitute of money, to serious Privations and Dangers? Apologising for my Freedom I remain Sir
Your most obedient servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 489
Doctors Commons
Nov 4 1819
Dr. COOTE presents his most respectful compliments to Mr. GOULBURN and will be greatly obliged to him if he will state whether those Persons who are now employed in collecting Parties for the new Colony in Southern Africa are authorised (as they say they are) to distribute land of 10 acres or moreto any able bodied male of the Party after a Voyage undertaken at private expense. Mr. GLASSFORD hopes to take out two hundred persons in one ship, but the Doubt is whether they will enjoy all the advantages promised by the Government, except the preliminary Benefits of a gratuitous conveyance and of support during the voyage.
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 509
College Square
Doctors Commons
Nov 17 1819
My Lord,
Making use of my Oxonian friend the Bishop of Norwich I merely beg leave to ask a single question relative to the new Colony in Southern Africa. Notwithstanding the declared Completion of the number of Persons included within the Effect and Benefit of the Parliamentary Grant, some respectable individuals are employed in collecting Parties for the same Voyages. These adventurers (it is obvious) are to go at their own Expense, but as I am interested in this affair on behalf of my son, I should be exceedingly obliged to your Lordship if your would inform me whether the Leaders of these Parties are authorised (as they say they are) to divide Land among their associates under the auspices of the Government upon the same terms which are offered to those who will be gratuitously conveyed.
I am my Lord your most obedient servant
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