National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 144
August 4th 1819
I understand that you are sending some families to the Cape of Good Hope. I would be very willing with my family to go. I am a blacksmith by trade and understands the work of a g??? cutler, horse shoeing, ship work or wheelers work. Can have a character if required. I have a wife & six children my oldest son is 15 years old & very handy & in a short time be as usful as any man
One daughter 11 years
One daughter 9 years 6 months
Son 7 years
Daughter 5 years
Son 1 year 6 mon
Whoever would wish to employ would be their humble servant
John CONNOR 35years
Margaret CONNOR 34
Michael CONNOR 15
Mary 11
Catherine 9 – 6 months
John 7
Lily 5
[?]illy 1
Living at No.3 Brewhouse Yard, Cartwright Street, Rosemary Lane in the parish of St.Botolph Aldgate in the lower precinct
- Hits: 5463