National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 26
10 Kings Road
July 20 1819
In consequence of the offer of His Majesty's Government to give encouragement to persons desirous of settling in the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, I most respectfully submit myself to your notice as a candidate for the proposed grant.
I am 30 years of age, a native of London, married without children, my present Business is in the Linen Trade, my connexions chiefly farmers & in my early years I followed that occupation. I am possessed of sufficient practical knowledge for the undertaking, as well as a general information on communal affairs. Should I be so fortunate as to become an object of your choice the most respectable references can be given to my ability & general character. I further humbly submit to your pleasure that I will either take ten persons of your own nomination or select the same myself. The necessary deposit can be immediately furnished. An answer will be most thankfully received.
I remain Sir your most obed't humble sevt
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 63
10 Kings Road
July 26 1819
I beg leave most respectfully to acknowledge receipt of your circular of the 21st containing the conditions on which the proposed grant will be given, in answer to which I beg to inform you that I am able & very desirous of complying with the same.
To my ability & general character I can give the most respectable refferences & the necessary deposit can be immediately furnished. Your further instruction is humbly solicited & an answer will confer an additional obligation on
Your obedient humble servant
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