National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 239
Bagnigge House
Bagnigge Wells
August 23 1819
My Lord,
With your Lordship's permission it is my wish, with a large family, to embrace the offer held out at your Lordship's office to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope.
As I am unacquainted with the necessary qualifications I beg the indulgence of your Lordship to the following observations. I have served as First Lieut. in [obscured] Regiment of Cavalry, have farm'd very largely in the counties of Somerset and Surry. Am an attorney on the Rolls and can command a sum more than sufficient to locate 10 persons.
Your Lordship will confer a favour by informing me at your Lordship's early convenience how much land will be granted and if my humble abilities can be applied officially in the Colony.
For Respectability and Character I beg leave to refer your Lordship to Mr. DICKINSON Esq, MP for the County of Somerset.
I have the honour to be my Lord your Lordship's most obed't sevt
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