National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 49
July 23rd 1819
The memorial of Isaac CARLETON of Rathdrum most humbly sheweth:
The memorialist being desirous to emigrate from Ireland, and hearing your Lordship has granted lands with passage out and rations &c to Protestant Subjects at the Cape of Good Hope, S.E. of Cape Town, memorialist would willingly retire there and become a settler with my family &c. Mem'st is of the Established Church and served His Majesty for upwards of fifteen years in the Rathdrum Corps of Dismounted Cavalry. Mem'st most humbly solicits your Lordship will have the goodness to order an answer by return in order that I would prepare for my Departure and would be happy to know what time would answer best for a settler to leave Europe and where to apply for passage.
Memorialist will ever pray
PS an answer addressed to Isaac CARLETON
Co. Wicklow
shall be thankfully acknowledged
NB Memorialist would lodge which money I am possessed off in any office Government pleased till I arrived at my Destination
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