National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 223
Aug 18th 1819
The petition of James CAMPBELL of Warren Point, County Down, Ireland
Most humbly sheweth
That your Lordship's pet'r was bred to agriculture and mentained a large family decently in that line of life – but that on acct. of his three eldest sons entering into His majesty's service (the two eldest of whom fell in the late war with France) and other losses he sustained in his course of business he was forced to give up his favourite employment (farming) and is now endeavouring to support his remaining family (3 sons and 1 daughter) by teaching a small school. Pet'r therefore most humbly casts himself on the clemency of His Majesty's Government and prays your Lordship to order a passage (free) for him and his family to the new colony at the Cape of Good Hope, and pet'r is willing to enter into any legal engagements that may be required to assure His Majesty's Government of the repayment of any extra expence attending the transporting of his s'd family as he at present cannot command any mony to deposit according to the publish'd documents. Pet'r further saith that he can and will satisfy your Lordship of the truth of his statement if required, by vouchers from the War Office and certificates or affidavits
And your pet'r as in duty bound will pray
Warren Point
- Hits: 6133