BELL, James Stanislaus
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 429
15 Charles Square, Hoxton
23rd August 1819
As I am desirous of participation in the advantages held out by government to persons emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope, I beg permission to lay before you an offer to take out Ten able bodied men, above 18 years of age and with or without families (on terms of the first printed circular issued by you) to be selected from among agriculturists in the North of Scotland, great numbers of whom are, at present, about to leave that country for the British Colonies in North America, in consequence of the severe privations they have lately endured.
As it will be necessary for me to set out for Scotland immediately, in order to make arrangements for getting the people I propose taking out under my charge brought here in time to embark on board the transport for the Cape, it would be very desirable if it were consistent with the arrangements Government, to know, previously, that my proposition were acceptable.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient humble Servant
Jas. Stanislaus BELL
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 447
15 Charles Square Hoxton
28th August 1819
I had the honor of addressing you on the 23rd Inst. requesting permission to make an offer to Government of taking out ten settlers to the proposed Colony at the Cape of Good Hope, and have been favoured with your reply of the 24th, advising me of my offer being taken under consideration. I beg leave to make a further proposal of taking out Ten more of the same description of people from the North of Scotland making in the whole Twenty Settlers to be taken out by me, on the terms contained in your first printed circular.
For the reasons mentioned in my letter of 23, it will be a very great favor to me for Earl BATHURST to come to as early a [decision] on this as is consistent with his convenience.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient humble Servant
Jas Stanilaus BELL.
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