National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 399
Finsbury Market
August 17 1819
Having a particular wish with fellow countrymen at emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope to become settlers under Government I should feel greatly obliged if you would transmit me a Circular stating on what terms - the Government wish to adopt – as I consider that I have it in my power to collect together the number of Settlers required – for which ample security will be given – but if I could obtain on what grounds the security is required I should thus be able to give you an answer immediately –
Your answer will greatly Oblige with the greatest respect
Your most Obedient and Humble Servant
N.B. Direct to Mr. Jno. BANKS
No. 5 Finsbury Market
Finsbury Square
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 413
5 Finsbury Market Finsbury Square
August 20 1819
Your answer to my letter I duly received and in answer have only to say that the proposals inserted in your circular from Government are every way satisfactory to the sanguine expectations of the several families wishing to emigrate to the new colony in the Cape of Good Hope but still a vacancy remain in their minds respecting several questions they wished to be informed which is totally out of my power of doing – which I shall name as under – therefore should you think us worthy of notice on that head – you can send a letter directed as above – or if the explanation is to be obtained personally we will with pleasure wait on you in Downing Street
I am Sir With the most profound Respect
Your Most Obedient and Humble
Viz. – To know if they are to find all the implements of Husbandry
Viz. – Also seeds &c
What weight is allowed each family – for to carry with them-
Likewise what Security and – how much Government may
want and at what time it is to be paid from the Emigrator procuring the family
NB If it is possible for an answer by tomorrow night we should be obliged as we are can consider on the Sunday
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