BROWN, Thomas (1)
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 209
Poplar, July 15th 1819
My Lord,
The humbell pertishner begs your Lord Ships pardon for being so bould as to trobeling you again upon the subject as going for a settler to any one of his Majestyes furren settelments as you pertishner received for answer about 2 years ago that it was not Govenments intention to send any at that time but seing an advertisement that it was the intention of govenment to asist such as would be willing to go to the Cape of Good Hope and if that be the intention of his Majestyes Govenment your pertishner & his famely will be very happy to inbrace the oppertunyty of such a faviour. My Lord your pertishner is a poore man with a large familey a black smith by trade and finds it hard to supporte them at present.
I am your Lordships most humbell & most obedent pertishner and for the same am bound to pray
Thomas BROWN
North Stree[t]
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 439/440
55 North Street
Aug 26th 1819
Honnerabell My Lord,
And may it please your Lordship to grant further information to us Pertisners how to prosede as we have aplyed for Parochicel Ade for the Cape of Good Hope as they are willing to give it if we are excepted by his Majes govenment the Parish of Poplar and Blackwall - if answered by letter please to dyrect to Thomas BROWN 55 North Street Poplar Mdx
I am your Lordships most obedient humbell servant
The names of Pertishners
Thomas BROWN wife 3 children
James BROWN single man
James LEPPAN wife 3 children
Thomas LEPPAN single man
Charles DADSWELL wife 3 children
John BAKER wife 5 children
Peter SCOTT singell man
Richard ROLT and mother
Thomas HONE wife 2 children
Isack HONE single man
Peter ROLT wife 4 children
Timothy DONOVAN wife 2 children
James BROOKS wife 6 children
Cornelias COUGHLAN whife 4 children
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 589
No 55 North Stree[t]
Oct 6th 1819
Honnerabel my Lord,
And may it please your Lordship to take into consideration for a pore man with a large fameley who hath many times aplyed to your Lordship for emegranting to any of his Magestys Colines and I have received your sercular answers and much aprove of them but being poore and not abel to make the deposit of money required I beg that your Lordship will be plesed to let me go without paying of it as I am in no fear of giting a livelyhood at the Cape of Good Hope as I am a blacksmith by trade and have beene brought up to farming bisiness and have a large famely wiling to work if they had it. I have made aplycation to the parish for to asist me with the money but they have refused so that I relye on your Lordship's goodness to be a poore mans frend and to grant my request.
I beg leave to be your Lordships most obedient humbel servant
Thomas BROWN
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