BOWDEN, Joseph
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 557
Sept 28th 1819
My Lord,
I hope you will pardon the liberty I have taken in addressing your Lordship but interested as I am I know not what else to do. I am by trade my Lord a cartwheel wright and through the turn of things here I have not been able to get any work at my own business these 2 years past. I had come to a determination to go out to the Cape of Good Hope and had agreed (with several more) with Mr. George REEVES of Exeter who we understood had a grant with certain encouragement from your Lordship to take out a certain number of persons. From some reason or other he informs us he cannot stand by proposals with us. If your Lordship would have the goodness to inform me by what means I can go out to the Cape of Good Hope I should ever feel grateful for your Lordship's goodness. I am my Lord a young man and can get a character for my abilities and sobriety and flatter myself that I could make myself very usefull to the Colony. I understand my Lord there is a deposit of 10£ to be paid. I have as much money and will gladly pay it - if your Lordship would have the goodness to answer this you would confer a great favour on your Lordship's humble servant
At Mr.PRIN's
No.3 Higher Street
- Hits: 6125