ADDAMS, James, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 24
Mr CURLINGs Library
Butt Lane
July 27, 1819
Having read a Letter, in a Paper called the New Times importing to have been issued from the Colonial Office Downing Street, wherein it is stated to be the intention of His Majesty's Ministers to apply the money noted by the Parliament for the encouragement of emigration to the Cape of Good Hope, in cases only where those Persons wishing to emigrate shall possess the means of cultivating the Land allotted them which persons engaging to take out ten Men at least and giving security to Government of Ten Pounds per man etc etc – But not Sir perceiving the signature of anyone of His Majesty's Officers attached to it – I beg if it is not incompatable with the nature of your office, nor anything improper in my present mode of Application, that you will have the Goodness to inform me if such Letter is Official, and is so what Other qualifications are necessary to induce His Majesty's Ministers to assist such persons to Emigrate and if it is the intention of Government to suggest a plan of agreement between the Emigrating Parties – or any other communication you may think proper to give me for information on the subject will be thankfully received by
Sir, Your Obedient Humble Servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 6/7
Mr. CURLING's Library
Butt Lane, Deptford
July 5th [sic] 1819
Gratefully acknowledging your condecension in favouring me with the Circular in Answer to my application on the 27th of July _ I beg leave to offer myself and twelve able bodied Individuals to your farther consideration
We humbly beg to submit, that the above number of Individuals and their families whose Names, Professions, birth Place &c are inserted on the opposite leaf of this Pettition and]are willing, should we be approved of, to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope Colony as Settlers under my directions - or such directions as it shall please Government to signify to us - Presuming to have [the] means to Cultivate such portions of land as it is proposed to Grant to Certain Individuals - I beg to state I am prepared and willing to deposit the sums of money requested for each Individual agreeable to the conditions as specified in the Circular.
And we humbly presume to solicit Government to Grant us such portions of Land on the Conditions stated in the Circular - and that if Government should be pleased to approve of us we shall consider ourselves pledged to exert our abillities with every one in our power to promote the object of their liberal intentions
Humbly soliciting and Answer to their Petitions we await Sir your farther pleasure
I am Sir Your very humble [Servant]
Name |
Profession |
Place of Birth |
Family |
Wheelwright |
Lambeth Surrey |
Wife & 2 children |
Husbandman |
Whitehaven |
Do. Do. |
Taylor |
Barham Kent |
Do. Do. |
Wm. SADD |
Shoemaker |
Yarm'th Norfolk |
Do. & 1 child |
Gardener |
Norfolk |
Do. & 3 children |
Husbandman |
Melksham Wilts |
Wife & 7 Do. |
Jos'h BROAD |
Husbandman |
Baursay Wilts |
Husbandman |
Bucklon Somerset |
Step'n HUGHES |
Gardener |
Middlesex |
John FORTH |
Mariner |
Clapham Surrey |
Wife |
Thos. EVANS |
Mariner |
Middlesex |
Richard GOUGH |
Blacksmith |
Shropshire |
Wife & 3 children |
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 78
Mr. CURLING's Library
Butt Lane, Deptford
August 26th 1819
Finding from the information I have this day received at your office, that it is necessary the names and ages of each individual who may be allowed to emigrate should be inserted, in addition to the discriptions of such individuals, as set forth in my application, I beg permittion to lay before you Sir the following additional particulars in the hope that it will meet with your approbation.
I beg to subscribe myself Sir
Your humble Servant
PS I am submitting the following list to you observation. Sir, I humbly beg I may not be deemed prematurely officious in offering a few observations respecting myself.
Being by Profession a Builder and having been long both Practically and Theoretically acquainted with the methods of improving land and also in the habit of employing a number men, humbly hope his Majestys Government will deign to consider me among the number of those who they
may think competent to the improvements they may have in contemplation in the Cape of Good Hope Colony - and am ready to give undeniable references as to respectability of Character.
Name |
Age |
Profession |
Children |
Children's Ages |
31 |
Wheelwright |
Mary Ann |
2 years |
Ann his wife |
30 |
Elizabeth |
4 years |
Richard GOUGH |
38 |
Blacksmith |
Richard |
6 years |
Margaret his wife |
35 |
Margaret |
3 years |
Jane |
1 year |
William FREEARS |
38 |
Farmer |
Sarah |
6 years |
Betsey his wife |
27 |
Betsey |
1 year |
John WEAVER Batchelor |
21 |
Gardener |
Joseph BROAD Batchelor |
30 |
Husbandman |
William SADD |
34 |
Shoemaker |
Mary Ann |
2 years |
Mary Ann his wife |
30 |
Thomas COLLARD |
31 |
Taylor |
Sarah |
6 years |
Cecilia his wife |
24 |
Emma |
2 years |
William ABRAMS |
39 |
Husbandman |
Standerwick |
16th year |
Mary his wife |
35 |
William |
13 |
Joseph |
11 |
Benjamin |
9 |
Caroline |
6 |
Elenor |
4 |
George |
1 |
36 |
Gardener |
Clementia |
14th year |
Clementia his wife |
33 |
Susan |
12 |
William |
10 |
Stephen HUGHES Batchelor |
28 |
Husbandman |
John FORTH |
21 |
Mariner |
None |
Mary his wife |
20 |
Thomas EVANS Batchelor |
20 |
Mariner |
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 129
CURLING's Library
Butt Lane, Deptford
5th Oct 1819
Having received your answer to my proposals for taking out a number of individuals to the Cape of Good Hope - wherein I find I am so unfortunate as not to meet the approbation of the Right Hon the Earl BATHURST - I beg you will have the Goodness to lay before His Lordship my humble request to be informed weather in the event of my proceeding to the Cape of Good Hope individualy
or taking out a number of Families with me, at my own expence, I can have a Grant of Land on my arrival there. And I farther beg to observe in respect to my former proposals that if I have committed any error that may have induced His Lordship to think it not advisable to accept of me - I beg to disclaim any intention of Giving offence and should not have presumed to have made application if I were not Confident of having both the means and abbility for farming such establishment.
Respectfully solicting an early Answer
I am Sir Your humble Servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 144
CURLING's Library
Butt Lane, Deptford
22nd Oct 1819
Being out of town when your letter of the 19th arrived, so my appology for not being prompt in acknowledging it, and now beg to acquaint you that in consequence of my proposals not being accepted my friends have thought it necessary to withhold the assistance they had proposed to lend me and I had therefore made arrangements – previous to the receipt of your letter – to go out with a Gentleman who is accepted and therefore decline troubling his Lordship Earl BATHURST any farther at present. And I beg Sir should you think it necessary to trouble his Lordship with this my explanation that you will assure his Lordship in the most respectful manner of my high sense of gratitude for his condescending attention to my application. With many thanks for your kind attention to my requests I am, Sir
Your much obliged humble servant
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