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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

ADAM, William

National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 12

No 48 Merchant Street

Bristol 20th July 1819

My Lord

Understanding that it is the intention of his Majesty's Ministers to send out such persons as may wish to leave their native country, to establish a colony near the Cape of Good Hope, I humbly take the liberty of addressing your Lordship on the subject and humbly hope you will pardon me doing so as I am unacquainted with any other mode by which I can make an application. I have been many years a Clerk In His Majesty's Navy, and was paid off about three months back from H.M.S. Antelope, and can produce certificates from all the Captains I have sailed with of my good conduct. As it is out of my power to obtain a situation on shore that would procure me a livelihood, I humbly take the liberty of offering myself to your Lordship, as a person who would gladly and thankfully embrace the opportunity of going out to the Cape of Good Hope, or any other of His Majesty's Colonies and should feel truly grateful to your Lordship, should you think me worthy of filling any office which may be established in the Colony.

I have the honour to be with the highest respect

Your Lordship's most obedient humble Servant


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