National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 33
3 Wells Street,
29 July 1819
Honourable Sir,
I presume to offer myself to your notice to go out as a Settler to the Cape. I have been brought as an Agriculturalist, am perfectly acquainted with farming. I have a Wife and 4 children, the eldest only 10 years old. I can procure testimonials of Character that will prove satisfactory - a line expressing the answer will be thankfully received by
Your Obedient Servant,
late of Plaistow, Essex
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 51
August 9, 1819
Honoured Sir,
I humbly beg you will have the goodness to excuse my troubling you with this letter but as I have already applied at Earl BATHURST office for permission to go to the Cape of Good Hope and by letter received from that office referring me to the printed circular letter which letter I am lead to understand may be had at his Lordship's office, therefore I have taken the liberty of applying for the circular letter and most humbly beg the favour of granting me one as both myself and wife are very desirious of imbarking in the cause. I myself have no other dependance but my own labour to support my self and wife and family and am in habit of working in the East India docks and my earnings doth not amount to more that about 12 shillings per week in the course of a year. I thairfore do humbly beg you will have the goodness to consider my penuary situation and grant me that advice I carry the business in to effect.
I remain, Honoured Sir,
Your most obedient and humble Srt.
3 Wells Street, Poplar, Middlesex.
PS I was brought up to the farming business and followed the same till thease last 4 or 5 years
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