46 Bow Lane
27th Sep 1819
My Lord,
I presume to address your Lordship on a subject of the greatest importance to me and a number of my friends. I have a friend with whom I intend emigrating if we should be fortunate enough to get the grants. He has already engaged a number of men - not less than forty, if my Lord the numbers are made up that are to have the benefits of a free passage, would the land be allowed in the same proportions if we pay the passage out of the above no. and conform to the original circulars by paying ten pounds a man &c. A reply would oblige my Lord
Your Lordship's most humble devoted servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 134
46 Bow Lane
11 Oct 1819
My Lord
I took the liberty of addressing your Lordship a few days back on the subject of emigration. I stated my questions (I hope not in disrespectful terms) as plain as I can. I now my Lord will again attempt to describe my question.
Can a party if conforming with the circular go out? & will they have 100 acres of land granted them? An answer will greatly oblige.
My Lord your Lordships most Obedient Servant
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