WHITAKER, William and James, 1830
National Archives, Kew CO48/137, 433
To the Earl of Aberdeen
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
The Humble Petition of William and James WHITAKER, of Waterhead Mill, in the Parish of Saddleworth in the County of York and Diocese of Chester, sheweth
That the said William and James WHITAKER have a Brother by name Philip WHITAKER, who was a Private Soldier in the 60th Regt of Foot, stationed in Grahamstown in the Cape of Good Hope, in South Africa; but such Regt having been disbanded in the year 18, the said Brother Philip WHITAKER became a Settler in Grahamstone, situated in the Cape; and that by letter signified a particular wish that his two Brothers, William and James, the present Petitioners, should if possible join him in the same situation & employment.
The Petitioners, who are orphans, are most anxious to accede to their Brother's wishes, and for the accomplishment of wch they humbly pray the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs would kindly permit them to have a Free Passage in any one of His Majesty's vessels that may be bound or may even touch at the Cape, the Petitioners undertaking to find themselves with Provisions during the voyage, and promising to work in any way they can whilst at sea.
Trusting the resent Application my not be deemed impertinent or presuming, and anxiously hoping that it may be successful, the petitioners herewith subscribe their names with all due submission and respect.
Jas. WHITAKER X (mark)
PS To Direct to William, son of Radcliff WHITAKER, Waterhead Mill, near Oldham
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