VALLENTINE, John, 1826
National Archives, Kew, CO48/86, 417
Stratford on Slancy
April 3rd 1826
My Lord,
I have the honor to lay before your Lordship the copy of a letter which I received from Mr. Wm. SHEPHERD, No.59 Lower East Smithfield, dated March 26, which is as follows:
“I have to inform you that His Majesty's Government has agreed to bear the whole expence of your going out, but half of the expence must be reimbursed to the Government by you when at the settlement, in a limited time. If you are willing to proceed and enter into engagements accordingly you must send me an answer immediately with three pounds sterling for yourself, wife and family, for incidental expences, an assurance you will go, before your name can be sent into Government.”
The above is a correct copy of Mr. SHEPHERD's letter.
My Lord,
Having a brother a settler in the Cape of Good Hope I would wish to imbrace the first opportunity of going to him and am hapy to find that His Majesty's Government is giving a grant. I humbly beg your Lordship would let me know the several grants ie how [much] land, cattle and seed and if there is any other provision. I beg your Lordship will inform me so, and also let me know whether it is to East Smithfield or to the Collonial Office I am to send the £3 which Mr. SHEPHERD mentioned. I would like to know when and where I am to embark as I have decided on going as soon as I receive your Lordship's answer.
I am, my Lord,
Your obedient humble servant
Direct John VALLENTINE, Stratford on Slancy by Baltinglass, County Wicklow, Ireland
- Hits: 6159