WATSON, Robert, 1820
[Transcriber's Note: The layout and handwriting of this letter, as well as the fact that the writer is from Faversham, suggest that it is by the same R. WATSON as the letters in 1819]
National Archives, Kew, CO48/53, 485
10 Feb 1820
My Lord,
In consequence of receiving no reply to a letter which I did myself the honor of addressing to your Lordship about 4 or 5 weeks since, I am led to fear that it has never been received by your Lordship. I am therefore induced once more to intrude myself upon your Lordship's notice.
I am about to engage with a Gen'l CAMPBELL for the purpose of emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope and altho' I have no reason to doubt the honor of the General, yet as there are many persons now about taking every advantage to the ruin of the unwary, I am bound by the strongest ties for the safety of my own family and those families who are willing to place themselves under my care to take such steps as will ensure the safety of us all. I have therefore to request of your Lordship that you will have the kindness to inform me whether His Majesty's Government has made to Gen'l CAMPBELL of Durham Place Lambeth a grant of 10,000 acres of land and in what part of the Colony the grant is made.
I am further to solicit from your Lordship the favor of being informed whether His Majesty's Government would be induced to favor me with a grant of land of about 5 or 600 acres upon my taking out at my own expence 5 families, including in men, women & children 15 persons. An answer at your Lordship's convenience will be gratefully acknowledged by, my Lord
Your Lordship's most obliged and most obed't serv't
Please to address Mr. WATSON, Faversham, Kent
- Hits: 5966