SYNNOT, Walter, 1820
National Archives, Kew, CO48/53, 311
Ballymoyer Lodge
5th Jany 1820
The length of time which has elapsed since the receipt of your instructions directing me to expect an order from the Commissioners of the Navy Board induces me to suppose some mistake must have occasioned the delay. I consider it my duty to inform you that no official notice has been made to me and that the settlers under my care are extremely dissatisfied and difficult to be kept together, that a very heavy expense attends holding them in constant readiness such a length of time and I can assure you is extremely prejudicial to the welfare of my undertaking. Most of the stores absolutely necessary must be obtained at the place of embarkation and to be hurried off without them would expose [us] to the greatest hardships. I have received private letters from Cork informing me there is no other ship for the reception of settlers for the Cape of Goof Hope than the Fanny, whose cabin is so small that I am requested to join in the expence of making it more airy. I beg you will take these circumstances under your serious consideration and direct that I shall be furnished with positive instruction how I am to proceed.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient servant
National Archives, Kew, CO48/53, 320
23rd January 1820
I am instructed by Mr. LEWIS, Agent of Transports Cork, to make returns of the party under my charge now embarked on board the Fanny. A few changes have unavoidably taken place since my first returns had been filled. I have left one copy with Mr. LEWIS and it is my intention to present another to His Excellency the Governor at the Cape of Good Hope, which are exact counterparts of the enclosed.
I beg leave to express the gratitude of my party for the very comfortable accommodation that has been afforded them since their embarkation and I am convinced they will at all times support that order and regularity enjoined in our instructions.
I have the honour to be Sir
Your most obedient and very humble servant
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