NORDEN, Joshua (brother of Benjamin NORDEN), 1822
National Archives, Kew, CO48/59, 426
18th Oct 1822
I beg you will excuse the freedom I take in addressing you but being actuated from a sense of your goodness to pardon the presumption.
I thus wish you to inform me if it lies in your limitted power to grant me a free passage to the Cape of Good Hope, my finding myself in provision & taking with me small quantity of goods consisting of bale & wearing apparel, quills & stationary. My brother Benjamin NORDEN [SIMONS?] being one of Mr.WILSON's Party of settlers has now wrote for me to come out to him at the Cape. Thinking to embrace this opportunity I shall feel it a great obligation confered on me if you can grant the indulgence of my request and allow me to subscribe myself, Sir
Your most ob't hble serv't
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