MURRAY, John re George MORGAN and Miss SHAND, 1830
National Archives, Kew, CO48/137, 320
13 May 1830
Mr. George MORGAN having been previously nominated by His Majesty's Government to one of the vacant Churches in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, sailed to the Cape at the expence of Government about five years ago, and on his arrival was designated by His Excellency Lord Charles Somerset to the Church of Somerset, where he has since laboured with approved diligence and fidelity. Before Mr. MORGAN left Aberdeen he was on Terms of Marriage with a Miss SHAND, a young Lady of a most respectable but decayed Family in this City. Had Miss SHAND been able to accompany Mr. MORGAN to the Cape, as it was intended she should, I have no doubt but the expence of her Passage, as well as that of her intended Husband, would have been defrayed by His Majesty's Government. She was, however, detained by ill health. Now thro' the kindness of Providence her health is restored, and she is desirous to proceed to the Cape, in terms of her engagement. As, however, neither her Parents, nor Mr. MORGAN, who has a widowed Mother to support, can without great difficulty defray the expence of her voyage. I take leave, at their desire, to request you will have the goodness to lay the case before Sir George MURRAY, in the hope that in the circumstances thereof, he may be induced to order the expence of Miss SHAND's Passage from London to the Cape to be paid out of Funds of Government.
I am Sir your most obed't sev't
John MURRAY, Minister of North Parish, Aberdeen
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