McCLELAND, Francis, 1826
National Archives, Kew, CO48/86, 260
Port Elizabeth
9th Jan'y 1826
My Lord,
I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of a letter from the Colonial Office to which I respectfully solicit your Lordship's kind attention.
During five years and upwards that I have been in the Colony I have to all intents and purposes acted as a District Clergyman, and though in every other district the clergy are allowed a house and garden I have been excepted from the general rule; and this after paying six or seven hundred dollars annually out of two thousand for house rent, placed as to emolument on an equality with the lowest mechanic.
I beg moreover to apprize your Lordship that divine service according to the English Ritual is performed by me (I believe exclusively) in the Dutch language to the old inhabitants, and yet though my duty is twofold my allowance is not equal to half what my Brethren of the Established Church receive. I almost feel assured that were my case properly represented your Lordship would not only allow me a house but raise my salary and compensate me for the time that is past.
In my present circumstances I cannot long continue. I am involved in debt, and with an increasing family have nothing to look to but your Lordship's justice. There is a farm named “Gora” in the District of Uitenhage at present unappropriated, and if your Lordship would have the goodness to advise my getting a grant of it or of some other ground in this neighbourhood, it might serve to relieve my difficulties and enable me to do something for my children.
I cannot suffer the present opportunity to pass without impressing on your Lordship the detriment likely to accrue to the Established Church in this Colony by reason of there not being any person here qualified to confirm the members of that communion when they arrive to years of discretion. This is a serious evil, and is hourly increasing, and merits the grave consideration of every friend of the Establishment.
I have the honor to be
Your Lordship's most obed't humble serv't
[Note across second page: What the emoluments of this chaplain's situation as compared with others?
[Enclosed letter addressed to the Chaplain at Port Elizabeth]
Colonial Office
29th Dec 1825
In reply to your letter of the 13th inst soliciting to be placed on the same footing with the District Clergymen by being allowed a Parsonage House, I am directed by His Excellency the Governor to acquaint you that he will submit your request to Earl BATHURST.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your obedient servant
Sec'y to the Gov'r.
National Archives, Kew, CO48/86, 279
Port Elizabeth
August 8 1826
My Lord,
I had the honor in the month of January last to call your Lordship's mention to the serious injury likely to accrue to the Established Church of England in this Colony in consequence of its young members being unable to have themselves confirmed.
The last advices from India have brought the melancholy news of the death of the Lord Bishop of Calcutta, and I am induced very respectfully to suggest to your Lordship the propriety of recommending his successor to touch at this Colony on his passage to India for the purpose of administering the rite of confirmation to such persons as his Lordship should find qualified.
As a clergyman of the Church of England I hope your Lordship will excuse the liberty I take in acquainting you that the Church of this Parish after being raised about fourteen feet above the foundations is likely to be at a stand for want of funds. Unless we obtain assistance from home the work it is to be feared will be abandoned, but in the hope that your Lordship will interfere to prevent so deplorable an event I have presumed to submit the case to your kind consideration.
I have the honor to be, my Lord
Your Lordship's most obed't humble serv't
[note at foot of page: this ought to have been done? Thro' the Governor a recommendation to be made to the India Board on the subject of the suggestion for supplying the means of confirmation.
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