MULHOLLAN, Adam, 1826
National Archives, Kew, CO48/86, 268
30th March 1826
Having perused a letter from Mr. SHEPHERD, No.59 Lower East Smithfield, stating that Government has agreed to bear the whole of the expences of the families emigrating with him to the Cape of Good Hope on condition that they will reimburse the Government at the Settlement one half of the expence in a limitted time, and each family to send him three pounds for incidental expences.
Be pleased to have the goodness to use your influence in procuring permission for me and a few of my relatives to emigrate with Mr. SHEPHERD on the same conditions. And you will for ever oblige
Your most obed't humble servant
National Archives, Kew, CO48/86, 270
Baltinglas, Ireland
22nd April 1826
I beg leave to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 6th instant and with astonishment I perused its contents; as I never addressed a letter to Earl BATHURST on the 30th ultimo and of course am ignorant of its contents.
The last time I had the honor of addressing his Lordship was on the 26th April 1825 relative to myself and a numerous train of my friends (mostly all young men) praying to participate in an emigration to British America and to which his Lordship was graciously pleased to reply (through Mr.HORTON's letter of the 5th May following) “to address myself to Mr. ROBINSON at Cork”. I accordingly applied to that gentleman but received no answer from, I suppose, his having sailed previous to the arrival of my letter at that port.
I beg further to state that my first application (accompanied with strong recommendations) was made to the Government of this Country and from Mr. GREGORY's letter of the 12th April 1825 was referred to his Lordship Earl BATHURST.
May I therefore request that you, Sir, will be pleased to lay before his Lordship this statement, as also my determination still to proceed to that Colony, should his Lordship in his wonted goodness allow me, with my former mentioned friends, and in addition a number of young men destitute of employment from the pressure of the times. If required the most satisfactory references as to character, ability &c can be adduced. Your compliance with the above will oblige, Sir
Your most obedient humble servant
National Archives, Kew, CO48/86, 272
Baltinglas, Ireland
30th April 1826
I beg leave to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 27th instant in answer to mine of the 22nd relative to a letter wrote on the 6th inst by an Adam MULHOLLAN of this Town on the subject of emigration to the Cape of Good Hope and expect you will be pleased to acquaint Earl BATHURST that the person who wrote the letter was one of the numerous train of my friends who were to accompany me to British America should the grant of emigration be made to me by his Lordship and which I trust will ere long.
I beg further to add that the above named Adam MULHOLLAN was in Dublin some time back when he got acquainted with a Mr. SHEPPARD who incited him to write the letter in question. My not being in the immediate vicinity of the town prevented him (he says) of informing me on the subject and on the whole may be imputed to youth and inconsiderateness.
My only request is that his Lordship in his wonted goodness will be graciously pleased when an emigration takes place to admit me and mine to participate in it, and trusting he will excuse my importunity I presume to subscribe myself, Sir
Your obliged, obedient and very humble servant
[Transcriber's Note: The handwriting is extremely similar in the letters from the two Adam MULHOLLANs. It is probable that they were father and son. See CO48/44 (1819 correspondence) ]
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