FOULGER, John re distressed settlers, 1824
National Archives, Kew, CO48/67, 56
25 Rood Lane
Fenchurch Street
Feb'y 12 1824
My Lord,
It is with much diffidence I venture on the liberty of drawing your Lordship's attention for a few moments to the situation of the settlers in South Africa, which is now distressing in the extreme.
I am aware that your Lordship's time must be fully occupied but I am sure that your [obscured] heart will feel for the miseries of the unfortunate.
Perhaps your Lordship knows that the crops have failed ever since the Emigrants were located in Albany, and the inundation this season has swept away all their remaining hopes.
The class of persons suffering is not the labouring poor, but that class which was more respectable in this happy country & were able to take with them some property, but the crops failing, their money expended, without decent clothing & almost without food, they are reduced to a wretched state.
As a merchant trading to the Cape I flatter myself that I possess correct information, and my brother in law having taken on himself the situation of gratuitous Secretary to the Society formed in Cape Town for the Relief of the Suffering Settlers [Transcriber's Note: This was H.E. RUTHERFOORD] my information is derived from close investigation on his part – this Society has done what it could but the mass of misery is greater than it has means to remove.
It is the wish of several persons, well acquainted with their distresses, to call a public meeting in the City to open a subscription on their behalf and it would afford them sincere gratification if your Lordship would condescend to take the Chair on that occasion, and I beg further to solicit that your Lordship would allow myself & one or two gentlemen who have been at the Cape (not as settlers) the honour of an audience for a few minutes, when we should be better able to explain the situation of those on whose behalf I have ventured to obtrude on your Lordship's notice.
I have the honour to be
Your Lordship's most humble obed't serv't
[Filed with this letter was a printed copy of the 1823 Report of the Society for the Relief of Distressed Settlers, which has been transcribed and posted separately at Distressed Settlers' Report - 1823 or see 'See Also' to the right of this article]
National Archives, Kew, CO48/67, 74
25 Rood Lane
Fenchurch Street
25 Feb'y 1824
I feel confident from the politeness evidenced towards the deputation on behalf of the distressed settlers of the Cape of Good Hope that I may be permitted to occupy your time for a few moments.
I beg to inform you that since the deputation had the honour of an interview with yourself & Lord BATHURST that a private meeting has been held in the City, a Committee chosen, & is strong of resolutions this day passed; which resolutions it is the wish of the Committee to advertise.
The object of my communication at this time is this. My Lord BATHURST most politely and condescendingly said when the deputation had the privilege of an interview with him that we had his permission to make any use of his name calculated to promote the object we have in view; but the Committee do not feel justified in availing themselves of his Lordship's permission without submitting for his approbation what they have prepared, and I have to beg you would be pleased to allow the same deputation an early opportunity of exhibiting to yourself and his Lordship the resolutions. I need not say with what satisfaction the Committee received his Lordship's communication.
May I be excused if I urge an early audience, as we only want his Lordship's approbation to commence advertising.
I have the honour to be Sir
Your most humble serv't
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