DYASON, Joseph (re his son George DYASON), 1831
National Archives, Kew CO48/145, 305
Cant'y [Canterbury]
July 4 1831
My Lord,
Your Lordship will pardon me for the trouble I give in this Petition of a Father for his Son, George DYASON, who emigrated about 12 years ago to the New Colony at Grahams Town, Cape of Good Hope, where he has Resided ever since, and has been employ'd in various Departments in which he has given the Greatest Satisfaction, Testimonial of which has been given him from all the Authorities he has serv'd under. Those Testimonial and other most Honorable Recommendations have been laid before His Excellency Sir Lowry COLE, to whom my son is personally known. He is now and has for some years been Clerk to the Magistrates at Grahams Town & has lately lost a most amiable wife, leaving him 3 young children and as his close application to his official Duties has in some degree injur'd his health he wishes to be promoted when an opportunity offers, and if your Lordship would Recommend him to the Government I think his morals and principles are strictly good, and that he would not undertake any Situation either Civil or Military unless he was sensible his abilities was competent to fulfill it with Honor to himself and Benefit to the Colony, neither would I, although he is my Son, have troubled your Lordship with this application if I had the least doubt of his conduct. This application if granted will be most gratefully acknowledg'd by your Lordship's most obed't and very humble serv't
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