CARLISLE, Frederick, 1828
National Archives, Kew, CO48/127, 193
Brentwood, Essex
27th Feb 1828
I had the honor to receive from you a communication dated in December last, stating in reference to my application on behalf of the Albany Settlers, that there were no funds which could be applied to their relief. Being anxious to acquaint the Settlers with the result of my expedition to this Country, may I beg to be forward with a reply of a more particular nature, that is, one adverting to the original application submitted by me on the part of the Albany Settlers and the kind of relief therein prayed for.
As I am now writing (with your concurrence) merely on a matter of form and not with any view to induce the reconsideration of a question unfortunately decided against me, I will briefly state the points to which I wish allusion to be made –
A memorial dated 20th April 1825 from the principle Agriculturist Settlers in Albany, praying H. M. Government to afford them the means of conveyance from England for a number of labourers of which they were in great want, stating also that their circumstances were too much reduced to enable them to effect this desirable object by their own private exertions – and further praying that to the before-named grant, might be added, the amount of expense incurred by the individual (myself) to conduct the Emigration.
I have the honor to be Sir, your very obedt. & humbl. Servant
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