CHABAUD, John Anthony, 1826
National Archives, Kew, CO48/86, 93
[Port Elizabeth?]
Cape of Good Hope
[February?] 13 1826
My Lord,
Two years since [the landrost?] of this [region?] commenced a subscription for the purpose of building a church of the Established faith of the Church of England.... which I am directed to inform you is rapidly progressing under the management of a Committee which has desired me to solicit your Lordship that the Chaplain appointed to this township may be placed on the same footing as the Dutch clergy in the several districts by being allowed a house and other privileges at present not enjoyed by him. The Committee are induced to make this appeal to your Lordship in consequence of the reference made by His Excellency the Governor to an application made to him on the subject and desirous that the church establishment of their native country should be placed on an equally respectable footing with that of the Colony - the present Minister for Port Elizabeth, Revd. F. McCLELAND has merely his salary of Rd2000 per annum or £150, without any privileges. Trusting that your Lordship's answer will be favourable to the wishes of the Committee
I have the honor to be, my Lord
Your Lordship's most obed't serv't
John Ant'y CHABAUD
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