BULLOCK, Solomon (brother of William BULLOCK), 1823
National Archives, Kew, CO48/61
Willenhall Turnpike Gate
Near Wolverhampton
November 11th 1823
Honoured Sir,
Allow me to resent you with a copy of a letter I have received from the Colonial Office on the subject of my brother's situation as a settler at the Cape of Good Hope
Colonial Office London
October 1823
Mrs. N. BULLOCK is hereby informed in answer to her letter of the 2nd instant that any letter she may think it necessary to address to her son will be forwarded to the Cape of Good Hope if sent by her in the first instance to the Secretary of State's Office, Colonial Department London under Cover, directed to R. WILMOT-HORTON Esq and she is also informed that it would be advisable that the direction on the cover of her letter to her son the name of the person who was head of the party with which her son went to the Cape of Good Hope.
My only motive in stating the above is that we as parties concerned cannot tell who was the head of the party at the time he went out. Could you be of service (as his mother is since dead) it would be most thankfully received and be gratefully remembered. Should any expence be incurred that might facilitate the discovery of William BULLOCK the same would be [obscured] you through the hands of Sir John WROTTESLEY MP for the County of Stafford. As under is a description of him as far as we can give it.
Born at Tettenhall Staffordshire
Left England four years the 2nd of August last with an intention to go to the Cape of Good Hope
Aged 21 years
5 feet 8 inches high, darkish complexion. grey eyes, dark hair
Your consideration of this statement and forwarding the letter to the Cape of Good Hope will oblige, Hon Sir
Your obliged and humble servant
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