POWRIE, Robert - Extra Data
Independent Settler
Death Notice (Cape Archives)
Born in Scotland. Son of David and Margaret POWRIE
National Archives, Kew, London
WO97-1256-190 Royal Artillery Discharge Papers
Discharged from 6th Btn in consequence of reduction 31 January 1819, aged 34 years 4 months
Date of enlistment 25 November 1803
Age at enlistment 19
Trade: Shoemaker
Born Insture, Perthshire [Inchture]
6 years 143 days as Private
8 years 345 days as Corporal
Height 6 foot
Dark brown hair, blue eyes and fresh complexion
Martha daughter of Robert and Esther POWRIE born 28 August 1819 and baptised 5th September 1819 in Brunswick Wesleyan Chapel, Liverpool
Married Esther DEACON in Cape Town. First son James born at the Cape.
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