FEAGAN, Peter - Extra Data
(member of MANDY's Party)
National Archives, Kew, London
WO23/138 Royal Hospital Chelsea: Admission Books, Registers
68th Foot Peter FEAGAN age 21 service in the army 1⅓ years (militia 3)
Admission 16 May 1801. Broken leg on duty. Residence: Chelsea
WO121/44/133 Royal Hospital Chelsea Discharge Papers
68th Regiment of Foot, 2nd Batallion
These are to certify that the Bearer hereof, Peter FEAGAN in Captain Carey's Company of the aforesaid Regiment, born in the Parish of Lickbar, in or near the Market Town of Castlepollard in the County of Westmeath, aged twenty one years and by Trade a Labourer, hath served honestly and faithfully in the said Regiment 16 months & 3 years in the Westmeath Militia; but by having broken his leg while on Duty in consequence of a Fall is hereby discharged...
Dated 14 May 1801 and signed overleaf.
National Library of Ireland
There are two possible baptisms in Castlepollard, the first on 4 March 1779 and the second on 10th November 1780.
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