South Africa 1905 3 July - September
22 July 1905
ABRAHAMS, Mrs. S., Durban, June 16, a son.
BROWNE, Mrs. P. F., Pretoria, June 13, a daughter.
CLELLAND-At Randfontein, on the 21st ult., to Mr. and Mrs. John Clelland, a son.
CLOSE-On the 5th inst., at Bloemfontein, the wife of Major Close, the Norfolk Regiment, a daughter.
EGEDI, Mrs. A., Cape Town, June 24, a daughter.
FLACK-On the 14th inst., at Inanda, Alleyn Park, West Dulwich, the wife of Guy S. Flack, a son.
GOODE-On the 14th inst., at Fort Jameson, the wife of R. A. J. Goode, a son.
GREGSON, Mrs. F. S. K., Durban, June 18, a daughter.
HERMON-On the 14th inst., at Potchefstroom, the wife of E. W. Hermon, 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars, of a daughter.
LOWNDS-On the 24th ult., at East London, the wife of Dr. Charles Lownds, a daughter.
LYLE-At Ellangowan, Bloemfontein, on the 11th inst., the wife of James Lyle, M.A., a daughter.
MERCER, Mrs. W. L., Johannesburg, June 16, a son.
MIDDLEBOROUGH, Mrs. J. B. W., Durban, June 16, a daughter.
PAXTON, Mrs. J., Durban, June 9, a son.
PRIOR, Mrs. J., Johannesburg, June 19, a daughter.
QUINN, Mrs. J. W., Johannesburg, June 17, a daughter.
ROLPH-On the 18th inst., at Maritzburg, the wife of Lieut. W. Lawford Rolph, Army Service Corps, a son.
STURGEON, Mrs. E., Johannesburg, June 14, a son.
COOK-DEAS-At Christ Church, Beaufort West, on June 26, Henry Austin, third son of the late David Cook, S.S.C., Edinburgh, to Kitty, second daughter of the late G. B. Deas, Beaufort West.
DONKIN, G. T.-HANCOCK, E. A., Durban, June 9.
EVERETT-CANDLER-On June 17, at the Pro-Cathedral, Salisbury, Rhodesia, Richard Horace, third son of Frederick Everett, of Swaffham, Norfolk, to Mabel Laura, elder daughter of C. Candler, Melbourne, Victoria.
HOBSON, C. P.-O'DONOGHUE, T. D., Johannesburg, June 21.
LAKE, A. J.-PRICE, E., Johannesburg, March 4.
LLOYD-HOLLAND-On the 15th inst., at the Cathedral, Grahamstown, John Barclay Lloyd, of Bloemfontein, eldest son of the late F. Giesler Lloyd, of Bonchurch, Isle of Wight, to Mary Gertrude, eldest daughter of W. Holland, J.P., of Grahamstown.
NELSON, S.-CLOUGH, A., Durban, June 10.
NICOLL, A. C.-KNIPES, S., Durban, June 19.
OHLENSCHLAGER-HODD-On the 18th inst., at Christ Church, Gipsy Hill, Albert Frederick, younger son of Julius Ohlenschlager, of Crescent Wood Road, Sydenham Hill, to Jessie Elisabeth, youngest daughter of the late F. H. Hodd, R.N., and of Mrs. Hodd, of Holyrood, Sydenham.
ROSS, A.-MOULD, E., Salt River, May 25.
SMITH, J. A.-LANGBRIDGE, M., Johannesburg, June 11.
TUNMER, C. F.-FREESE, H., Durban, June 14.
WADDINGHAM, F. A.-BERNSTEIN, V., Johannesburg, June 15.
WATTS-COLLICOTT-On the 18th inst., at St. Stephen's Church, East Twickenham, Arthur, youngest son of Henry William Watts, of Highbury, N., to Florence Blanche, eldest daughter of the late F. G. F. Collicott, of Lloyd's.
CARR, Mrs. G., Rondebosch, June 23, aged 87.
CHRISTIAN, G. B., East London, June 24, aged 76.
DEARE-On the 13th inst., at Red House, Cape Colony, May, the beloved wife of H. Russel Deare.
FERRIER CLARKE-On June 21, at Komati Poort, passed to his rest one who manfully and loyally endured great hardships and suffering during the Boer war, William James, aged 32 (after a few days' illness, of pneumonia), son of Dr. Ferrier Clarke, of Mitcham.
LOEZIUS, H., Port Elizabeth, June 15, aged 19.
MARKS, P., Johannesburg, June 18, aged 40.
MCKERCHAR-At Durban, on the 14th inst., Archibald A. McKerchar, late of 148, Garthland Drive, Dennistoun, Glasgow.
ROBERTSON-At 7, Muirhall Terrace, Perth, on the 12th inst., Mary Ann Carbis, wife of David R. Robertson, and daughter of Peter Carbis, Maritzburg.
WOODS-At Johannesburg, on the 14th inst., Isabella Brown, wife of Henry C. Woods, and third daughter of the late David Brown, Rosemount, Kilsyth.
WRIGHT-At 22, Gateside Street, West Kilbride, on the 15th inst., William Wright, in his 28th year.
12 August 1905
ANNESLEY—On the 4th inst., at Pretoria, the wife of Captain J. H. A. Annesley, D.S.O., 3rd Dragoon Guards, a daughter.
BAILY, Mrs. R., Johannesburg, July 11, a daughter.
COMMON, Mrs. W., Johannesburg, June 29, a daughter.
DALL, Mrs. J., Doornfntein, July 11, a daughter.
DUNCAN—at 3, Slatter Street, Maritzburg, on the 7th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. James D. Duncan, a daughter.
GREENLEES—On the 9th inst., at Johannesburg, to Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Greenlees—a daughter.
HAYOTTE, Mrs. G., Durban, July 5, a daughter.
HOLMES—At Jagersfontein, on July 8, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Fairbairn Holmes, a son.
HORNBY—On the 5th ult., at Rooiklip, Kokstad, Cape Colony, the wife of S. Langton Hornby, a son.
HOUBERT, Mrs. G. J., Johannesburg, July 9, a daughter.
LOGAN—At 149, 7th Avenue, Berea, Durban, on July 30, the wife of George Brown Logan, a son.
MARTIN, Mrs. A. R., Durban, July 6, a daughter.
MITCHEL—At Cookhouse, on the 8th ult., the wife of J. C. Mitchell, M.B., C.M., D.Sc., a son.
PARKES, Mrs. G. H., Johannesburg, July 7, a son.
PRAETORIUS—On the 2nd inst., at 17, St. James’s Square, Holland Park, W., the wife of Edward Praetorius, a daughter.
PRINGLE—On the 5th inst., at 57, Beauchamp Avenue, Leamington, the wife of J. A. Pringle, a daughter.
RUSSELL—At Armadale, Ladysmith, on the 30th ult., the wife of George Lauder Russell, a daughter.
SIMPSON—On the 2nd inst., at Airlie, Wynberg, wife of Archibald J. G. Simpson, a son.
WALKEY—At Germiston, on the 15th ult., the wife of G. Underwod Walkey, Chief Sanitary Inspector, a daughter.
WILLIAMS, Mrs. H., Johannesburg, July 4, a son.
CRAWFORD—PARK—At Cape Town, on the 2nd inst., Alex. McD. Crawford, of Douglas, Lanarkshire, to Margaret S. Park, of Farme, Rutherglen.
DOBBIE—BROOKE—On the 2nd inst., at St. Leonard’s Church, Streatham, Robert Boswell Dobbie, son of Robert Dobbie, of Kensington House, Bedford-hill, Balham, to Constance Helen, second daughter of Thomas David Brooke, of “Binfield,” Bedford-hill, Balham, and Johannesburg.
DUXBURY, W. S.—SHEFFIELD, E. M., Bellair, July 8.
HORSPOOL, C. M.—JOSE, M. W., Johannesburg, July 5.
JOHNSTON, J.—MCINTYRE, F., Durban, July 6.
KNIGHT—TURNER—On the 5th inst., at St. John’s Church, Herne Bay, Athro Charles Knight, only son of A. A. Knight, of Brockley, to Violet Evelyn, fourth daughter of the late J. B. Turner and Mrs. Turner, of Herne Bay College.
MACKENZIE—SPEIRS—At Shafton, on July 4, Ian Duncan Mackenzie, son of the late Major Colin MacKenzie, Seaforth Highlanders, and Mrs. Mackenzie, 35, Brunswick Gardens, London, to Sheila Kathleen, daughter of the late A. Speirs, and Mrs. Speirs, Holbeck.
MEMPES, H. W.—GUYLER, J., Estcourt, July 5.
CULLINGWORTH, Mrs. W. H., East London, July 9, aged 65.
FOSTER, Mrs. E. T., Jeppestown, June 25.
GREEN—On July 16, at Grahamstown, Arthur L. Griffith Green, son of Rev. E. P. Green, very suddenly, following on a medical operation, aged 45.
JEFFS—On the 7th inst., at 35, King Street, Rock Ferry, Cheshire, Margaret Emily, the beloved wife of Harold Aubrey Jeffs.
KERR, Mrs. E., Johannesburg, July 12, aged 40.
MCCORMICK, T. E., Johannesburg, July 4, aged 85.
ROBERTSON—At Durban, on the 5th ult., Dora, wife of the Rev. W. E. Robertson, Cape Town.
SCHULZ (CURT)—Suddenly, of heart failure, on August 8, at his residence, “Clifton Villa,” Stockwell Park Road, Brixton, S.W., Curt Schulz, zitherist to H.M. Queen Alexandra, in his 63rd year.
SIMPSON—At Barkly East, on the 12th ult., William Frank Simpson, aged 22 years.
STONE, I., Kimberley, July 10, aged 73.
WARBRICK, Mrs. W. H., Durban, June 5.
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