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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1905 2 April - June


29 April 1905


ADLER-On the 24th inst., at 192, Queen's Gate, S.W., the wife of Cecil Adler, a daughter.

CARVER-On the 25th inst., at 12, Ridgway Place, Wimbledon, the wife of W. M. Carver, of Johannesburg, a daughter.

CHAMBERS-On Friday, the 21st inst., at The Bays, Walton-on-Thames, the wife of F. W. Chambers, a daughter.

GLEN-At Durban, on the 18th inst., the wife of Thomas F. Glen, a daughter.

GODWIN-On the 22nd inst., at Cape Town, to Mr. and Mrs. George Batley Godwin, a daughter.

GRAHAM-On the 17th inst., at Lindley, the wife of Harold E. Graham, a daughter.

MURRAY-at 14, Lorne Terrace, Maryhill, on the 14th inst., the wife of Colin Murray, South Africa, a daughter.

PENTLAND-SMITH-At "Carnbee," Springfield Road, Berea, Durban, on the 23rd ult., to Mr. and Mrs. James Buchanan Pentland-Smith, a son.

RANKIN-At Freerie House, Pretoria, on the 20th inst., the wife of Charles G. Rankin (of Rankin Bros., Pretoria), a son.

ROUILLARD-On the 25th inst., at Johannesburg, the wife of R. A. Rouillard, a daughter.

SINCLAIR-At Krugersdorp, on April 10, the wife of Frank Sinclair, Office of Native Affairs, twin sons.

THOMSON-On the 17th ult., at Malvern, the wife of William Alexander Thomson (late of London), of a daughter.


ARMSTRONG-GARTON-On the 15th inst., at St. Paul's Church, Durban, T. P. H. Armstrong, Hillarys, Natal, son of the late Alfred Armstrong, Edenberry House, Portadown, Ireland, to Rosa Emma, eldest daughter of Edward Garton, of 39, Josephine Avenue, Brixton Hill, London.

ASHTON-AUCHTERLONIE-At Cape Town, on April 12, William Charles Ashton, only son of Captain Hudson Ashton, to Alice Beatrice, third daughter of the late George Auchterlonie, of Glasgow.

BURNAND-BRASS-On the 29th ult., at St. Cyprian's Church, Durban, Dr. Walter Eardley Burnand, third son of L. W. Burnand, M.A., Worthing, to Emma Jane Brass, youngest daughter of the late A. Brass, Jamaica.

DALLER-MANN-On the 26th inst., at Cape Town, Arthur G. H. Daller, of Heilbron, son of the late W. S. Daller, to Margaret Jane, youngest daughter of the late Robt. Wilks Mann, of Langley, Bucks., and of Mrs. Mann, of Southbourne-on-Sea, Hants.

DILL-REID-On April 26, at Horsham Parish Church, R. M. Gordon Dill, second son of Richard Dill, M.D., of Brighton and Burgess Hill, to Mabel Alice, eldest daughter of the late George Reid, of 79, Queen Street, Cheapside, and Mrs. Reid, Old Avenue House, Weybridge.

GRAHAM-ARMOUR-At Port Elizabeth, on the 15th inst., James Graham (late of Glasgow), to Maggie Walton, youngest daughter of the late Adam Armour, Airdrie.

GRIFFITHS-ROBERTSON-On the 3rd inst., at Mowbray Presbyterian Church, Cape Town, Albert E. Griffiths, B.A., Oxford, to Helen, second daughter of George Robertson, 168, Montgomery Street, Edinburgh.

MABY-EDWARDS-RAMAGE-EDWARDS-On April 25, at St. Mary's Church, Waterloo, Liverpool, by the Rev. S. J. Sykes, B.A., assisted by the Rev. W. G. J. Lasseter, M.A., Harry Grant Maby, of Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa, to Helen Madeleine, eldest daughter of Ellis Edwards, Beach Lawn, Waterloo; and Arthur Gladstone Ramage, youngest son of Richard Ramage, shipbuilder, Leith, to Sybil, third daughter of Ellis Edwards, Beach Lawn, Waterloo.

MACKAY-ROGERS-At the Windsor Hotel, Glasgow, on the 25th inst., Edwin E. MacKay, of Johannesburg, youngest son of the late John MacKay, Anney Villa, Beragh, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, to Marion Crosbie (May), younger daughter of the late William Rogers, Crosshill, and of Mrs. Rogers, Craignethan, Newlands.

MAITLAND-BUSH-On the 17th inst., at St. Cyprian's, Durban, Rhys Maitland, of Hereford, Lake Chrissie, youngest son of the late Frederick Maitland, to Edith, second daughter of John Bush, of The Firs, Marston Magna, Somerset.

MCCALLUM-PAGAN-On the 19th inst., at Heidelberg, William McCallum, J.P., of Johannesburg (formerly of Colmonell, Ayrshire), to Mary McGown, eldest daughter of John and Mrs. Pagan, of Heidelberg.

RAE-FARMER-At Inveresk Parish Church, Musselburgh, on the 18th inst., Alexander Lorimer Rae (of Messrs. J. and A. Rae, Cape Town), to Mary Murial, eldest daughter of J. Johnstone Farmer, St. Brycedale, Musselburgh.

SYKES-WEBB-On the 25th inst., at the Cathedral, Cape Town, by the Archbishop of Cape Town and the Bishop of Mashonaland, Francis William Sykes, eldest son of the Rev. John H. Sykes, Vicar of Haselor, Warwickshire, to Beatrice Agnes, younger daughter of Edward Webb, of Durrington House, near Harlow, Essex.


BARNEY-On the 18th inst., at Port Elizabeth, James Edward, youngest son of W. Barney, of Amwell Street, London, E.C., aged 26 years.

BERRY-On April 2, at Kenilworth, Cecil Wentworth, second and beloved son of the late Thomas and Mrs. Berry, aged 29.

BOWEN-On February 17, 1905, at Fort Jameson, Francis Goding Bowen, B.A., M.B., B.C. (Cantab.), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), second son of Thomas Bowen, M.D., The Retreat, Bridgetown, Barbados.

FISHER-At Rockhill Terrace, Dunoon (the residence of her son-in-law), on the 13th inst., Janet Henrietta Galbraith, relict of James Fisher, late of Callander Villa.

FRASER-On the 21st inst., at his residence, 48, Balliol Road, Bootle, William Fraser, J.P., aged 76.

GEORGESON-At East London, on April 22, James Georgeson, late of Union-Castle Mail Steam Ship Company, and formerly of Leith.

HOURSTON-At Harrismith, on the 21st ult., George Peter, eldest son of the late George Hourston.

JAMES-On the 19th inst., at his residence, 50, Lawford Road, Kentish Town, William James, aged 84 years.

LAWRENCE-At 31, Woodley Street, Kimberley, on the 1st inst., William Lawrence (late of Brechin), in his 69th year.

MACAN-On February 20, killed by a fall from the cliff on the Island of Tristan d'Acunha, in the South Atlantic, William Reginald (Reggie) Harry Macan, aged 18, eldest son of the late W. A. Macan, and grandson of Turner A. Macan, of Elstow, Bedford, and Carriff, county Armagh.

ROBB-Suddenly (of enteric), at Middelburg, on the 13th inst., Tom, aged 28 years, second son of Thomas Robb, 4, Windsor Terrace, Glasgow.


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