South Africa 1903 3 July - September
1 August 1903
ANDREWS—On July 26, at Germiston, the wife of John Norman Andrews, of a daughter.
BARKER, Mrs. H. M., Estcourt, June 23, a son.
BROCKWELL, Mrs. W. T., Eshowe, June 30, a son.
FRY, Mrs. J., Eshowe, June 20, a daughter.
HUBBARD—On July 23, at Kenilworth, the wife of Mr. R. V. F. Hubbard, Town Clerk of Claremont, of a son.
JACKSON, Mrs. A. P., Berea, June 29, a daughter.
LARSEN, Mrs. C., Greyville, June 24, a daughter.
LYONS, Mrs. S., Berea, June 23, a daughter.
MERCER, Mrs. H. W., Durban, June 30, a daughter.
PIRIE, Mrs. J., Brakwal, June 23, a daughter.
TITCHENER, Mrs. R. G., Greyville, June 23, a daughter.
WRIGHT, Mrs. W. G., Maitland, July 1, a son.
BAUMANN—SYMINGTON—On July 28, by the Rev. Paul Clive, at All Saints, Leamington Spa, Lorry Baumann, Stockbroker, of Johannesburg, to Ethel, daughter of Mrs. Symington, of Ardmore, Leamington Spa.
BAYLY—HUNTLEY—On June 30, at St. John’s Church, East London, Zachary Booth, third son of the Hon. Colonel Z. S. Bayly, C.M.G., M.L.A., to Louisa Agnes Maud, only daughter of the late Walter Huntley, of the Bank of Bengal, Burma, and Mrs. Huntley, of Herne Hill, London.
CAMPBELL, D.—MACKENZIE, O. I., Richmond, June 24.
COLLINS—BARNES—On July 23, at St. Clement’s Church, Ilford, Frederick Charles Collins, of Glenlevet, Ilford, and Milk Street, E.C., to Margaret Elinor, youngest daughter of Rev. E. and Mrs. Barnes, of Bloemfontein.
DUFF—THOMSON—On July 22, at St. Andrew’s, Umtali, James Duff, third son of the late Alexander Duff, cab proprietor, Edinburgh, to Jean, second daughter of James Thomson, stereotyper, 198, Easter Road, Leith.
JAMES—TREEBY—On July 29, at the Pro-Cathedral, Kensington, Mitford Edward James, of Foxton Lodge, Foxton, Leicestershire, eldest son of the late Walter James, of Elvaston Hall, Ryton, Newcastle, and of Lady Campbell, of Plas Heaton, Trefnant, North Wales, to May Lilian, eldest daughter of Phillip Treeby, late of Melbourne, Australia, and now of Johannesburg.
JEFFREY—THOMSON—On June 22, 1903, at the Presbyterian Church, Port Elizabeth, John Jeffrey, accountant, Standard Bank, Graaff-Reinet, Cape Colony, to Mary, younger daughter of the late Robert Thomson, Edinburgh.
NEWITT—PINKERTON—On July 7, at Johannesburg, Fred Newitt, to Elizabeth Morrison Pinkerton, grandniece of the late John Phillips, late of Rose Cottage, Fintry, Stirlingshire.
SANDISON, J.—HORNE, M. G., Berea, June 24.
SCHOLEFIELD, F. H.—TETLOW, E. H., Durban, June 23.
VAN WYK, J. J.—STANDEN, F. M., Stellenbosch, July 3.
WALSH, F.—VAN DER MERWE, A. M., Victoria West, July 1.
WATTS, S. T.—TITREN, T. M., Durban, June 30.
CRAWFORD—On July 23, William Fernie Crawford, dearly beloved son of James W. Crawford and Jessie Christie, 20, Gosford Place, Bonnington (accidentally drowned).
DAVIES—On July 23, at Earl’s Court, Isabel Eleanor Davies, aged 73.
MULLINS—On July 1, at Durban, Florence Ada, wife of Frank Mullins, of Bulawayo, and only surviving daughter of the late Captain Alexander Miller, of Liverpool and Wick, N.B., in her 37th year.
OLIVER, G. A., Berea, June 25, aged 19.
VAN DER MERWE, M. S., Philip’s Town, June 21.
Miscellaneous Articles on the same page:
On a recent night, a couple of mounted men, masked and armed, rode up to a store on the western outskirts of Pretoria and demanded the cash of the owner, a man named Karpes. The latter called for help, and his father, who lived across the road, came to his assistance. One of the robbers at once shot the old man dead, and then rode off, followed by his companion. The police gave chase soon afterwards, but the robbers succeeded in getting clear away in the darkness. An arrest was subsequently made on suspicion.
Two serious fires broke out at Port Elizabeth recently within three days of each other. The first occurred in the Mutual Arcade, the new building of the South African Mutual Insurance Company, and the premises of Messrs. Hammerschlog and Co., tobacconists, were completely gutted. The second fire was in South Union Street, on the premises of a draper named Myron, and before being extinguished damage to the extent of over £1000 was done.
The housing difficulty at Bloemfontein continues to be acute. Tents have been erected on private lands, but the occupants of town lands, who have erected tents, have been given notice to quit. A piece of ground, however, will be set aside for the use of the ejected.
8 August 1903
DALTON, Mrs. G. L., Durban, July 3, a daughter.
DEWHURST—On August 5, at Acton Vale, W., the wife of John Herbert Dewhurst, of a son.
DONNE, Mrs. R. L., Durban, June 29, a daughter.
FISHER, Mrs. A. W., Wynberg, July 14, a daughter.
FRASER—On August 1, at 81, New Road, Newtown, Ayr, the wife of Thomas Fraser, A.M.I.C.E., Aliwal North, a daughter.
GODFREY—On July 30, at The Pines, St. George’s Road, East London, the wife of J. J. Godfrey, Civil Engineer, Cape Government Railways, a son.
GREEN—On August 5, at Woodside, Mayow Road, Sydenham, the wife of R. Cottle Green, of a daughter.
KIRKWOOD—On June 8, at William’s Avenue, Durban, the wife of Wm. G. Kirkwood, of a daughter.
M’FARLANE—On June 28, at Umbilo Road, Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. R. M’Farlane, a son.
PEARSON, Mrs. A., Durban, July 6, a son.
ROBERTS, Mrs. H. R., Sea Point, July 14, a son.
WALKER—On July 24, at Germiston, the wife of Alexander T. Walker, of Polmont, a son.
WEBB—On July 30, at Johannesburg, the wife of Thomas Webb, of a son.
WOODGATE—On July 8, the wife of Arthur Seymour Woodgate, Calcote, of a daughter.
BELL—CHADWICK—On July 30, at St. Mattew’s, Bayswater, Henry Thurburn Montague Bell, of Phaleron, Johannesburg, son of the late James Leonard Bell, of Egypt and Ceylon, and of Mrs. Bell, of Wimbledon, to Eva Muriel, only daughter of the late Edward and Bessie Chadwick, of Bromley, Kent.
BISSET—MILLER—On July 28, at Durban, Robert Patrick Bisset, of Edinburgh, eldest son of the late John Bisset, Seggieden, Fife, to Mary Pearson Miller, eldest daughter of John Miller, Dean Park Mews, Edinburgh.
BLACKWOOD, T. R.—HARRON, M., Durban, July 1.
BROWN, R. B.—MORTON, B., Cape Town, July 11.
GEARY, E. H.—HARPER, G. W., Durban, June 29.
KNIGHT—WARREN—On August 5, at All Souls, Langham Place, London, W., by the Rev. C. H. Wilson, Clifford Hume Knight, of Cape Town, Merchant, to Edith, second daughter of Edward Warren, of Wellesley, Rondebosch, Cape Town.
LANGSCHMIDT, A. E. G.—LOUW, H., Cape Town, July 14.
NEILSON, E. L.—MACKINNON, M., Durban, July 2.
PHILPOT—MCEWAN—On June 3, at St. Augustine’s, Dornfontein, Johannesburg, Frederick William, second son of Major F. Philpot, to Eila Rose Campbell, third daughter of Alexander Campbell McEwan, of Maritzburg, and granddaughter of the late Alexander McEwan, of Sunderland, Islay.
RICHARDS, C.—ADAMS, S., Cape Town.
RUTHVEN—HENDERSON—On July 5, in the Presbyterian Church, Cape Town, James Henry Ruthven, Johannesburg, to Jane Buchanan Henderson, M.D., younger daughter of the late George Henderson, Bo’ness.
SHELLEY—ELLIS—On August 5, at St. Mary’s, Clapham Park Road, George Alic Henry Shelley, M.P.S., elder son of George Winn Shelley, of Ivy House, Old Town, Clapham, to Ada Elizabeth, only daughter of James Ellis, of 47, Rosenau Road, S.W.
SHELTON, J. H.—STACEY, F.L., Woodstock, July 8
TURNER, W. E.—SHELTON, M., Woodstock, July 8
BOEHM—On June 18, at the Vicarage, Heidelberg, Laura Wynne Boehm, aged 28, wife of the Rev. F. C. Boehm, and youngest daughter of the late A. Wetherby, of Albrighton, Shropshire.
BROWN—On July 5, 1903, at Germiston, Matthew Brown, Mine Manager, South Geldenhuis Deep, late of California.
COLLER, L. C. M., Lakeside, July 10, aged 10 months.
DONALDSON—On July 3, at Cape Town, James Donaldson, formerly drysalter, Glasgow.
EVANS, A. F., Berea, June 28.
HAMILTON—On July 27, at Bonnyrigg, Grace Cochran, daughter of the late James Hamilton, butcher, The Market, Tolbooth Wynd, Leith.
HODGSON—On July 31, at Llandudno, suddenly, Louisa Hodgson, of St. Margaret’s, High View Road, Upper Norwood, third daughter of the late Henry John Hodgson.
MANDY—On June 28, at Kimberley, Francis Raymond Mandy.
MORRISON—On August 1, at Stellenbosch, Jessie Emmeline, aged 34, beloved wife of Professor J. T. Morrison, daughter of the late G. H. Raithby, Edinburgh.
MUNRO—On June 29, at Kimberley, David Munro, third son of the late Mrs. Munro, Bettyhill, Sutherlandshire.
PURDON—On July 3, at Bulawayo, Frank A. Purdon, of pneumonia.
RIPPON, H. E., Volksrust, June 23.
ROBERTSON, R. S., Lydenburg, July 2, aged 16 months.
WALKER—On July 24, at East London, Hugh Dalziel, eldest son of the late Major-General William Walker and of Mrs. Eliza Murray Dalziel or Walker, 71, Morningside Park, Edinburgh.
WOODS, W. A., Mooie Rylies, Victoria, Mashonaland, June 8.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
We regret to announce the death of the Rev. W. P. Rousseau, minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, at Maritzburg.
The Durban Port Advisory Board, at a recent meeting, considered in committee between 90 and 100 applications for the post of Port Captain. The recommendation of the Board was transmitted to the Government without being publicly announced.
At St. Cyprian’s Church, Pinetown, a wedding between Mr. G. V. Currie, of Pietersburg, and Miss Susie Lee was celebrated recently. The Rev. Mr. Bromilow officiated, and the church was crowded with friends and guests. After the ceremony about 100 guests assembled at Kya Lami, the residence of the bride’s parents, where a reception was held.
MACLEOD of MACLEOD, who was 64 this week, is the chief of the survivors of a clan that once was very large in the Highlands. He resides at Dunvegan Castle, in the Isle of Skye, which is claimed to be the oldest inhabited private house in Scotland, as it has been the ancestral home of the Macleods since the ninth century. The chief, who is the 23rd to hold that title, was 14 years in the 74th Highland Light Infantry, retiring in 1872 as a captain. He served in the Zulu War of 1879, acting as political agent, and received a C.M.G. for his services.
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