South Africa 1903 2 April - June
4 April 1903
ASHLEY, Mrs. C. C., Woodstock, March 3, a daughter.
BLOMEFIELD, Mrs. C. A., Durban, Feb. 28, a son.
BURNETT, Mrs. C., Bloemfontein, February 19, a daughter.
CHAPLIN, On April 1, at 28, Edwardes Square, Kensington, the wife of Sydney Herbert Chaplin, of a son.
DAVIS, Mrs. S., Sea Point, March 2, a daughter.
DE GRUYTER, Mrs. M., Prestea, March 1, a son.
HARDINGHAM, Mrs. R. J., Three Anchor Bay, March 8, a daughter.
JEROME, Mrs. C., Parktown, March 3, a son.
MILNE, Mrs. W. J., Wynberg, March 5, a son.
NICHOLL, Mrs. E. E., Stamford Hill, February 22, a daughter.
NISSEN, Mrs. A. L., Cape Town, March 1, a son.
RIDLER, Mrs. J., Durban, Feb. 28, twins-both boys.
RISLER, Mrs. Theo., Mowbray, March 5, a daughter.
TOLLNER, Mrs. F. N., Mayville, Feb. 27, a son.
WAREHAM-On March 18, at the London Mission, Kambole, near Lake Tanganyika, N.E. Rhodesia, the wife of Dr. Harold E. Wareham, of a daughter.
WHITEAR, Mrs. H. E., Berea, March 3, a daughter.
ADAMSON-CHAPMAN-On February 21, at S. Mary's Church, Johannesburg, Kilgour Adamson, M.B., C.M. (Glasgow), Springs, Transvaal, to Nellie, only daughter of the late Rev. J. Chapman, of Preston.
BECKETT, G. W.-HEATH, E. F.-Durban, Feb. 25.
BROWNING-GREEN-ARMYTAGE-On March 29, at St. John's Church, Bulawayo, Sydney Broderick, second son of the late H. B. Browning, C.E., Lahore, Punjaub, and Mrs. Browning, Caerleon, Weston-super-Mare, to Muriel Amy, eldest daughter of Alfred Green-Armytage, Clifton, Bristol.
DAVIES, J. H.-WALLACE, A.-Durban, March 4.
HOLMES-GORDON-On March 25, at Holmhurst, Bloemfontein, Reginald L. Holmes, of Holmlands, Kafir River, Orange River Colony, to Alice Maude, third daughter of the late Wm. Gordon, Littlemill, Ballater.
LIND, J.-MCCORMICK, L.-Cape Town, March 5.
MUIR-MCMASTER-On February 25, at Cape Town, David Alexander Muir, Johannesburg, to Mary Ogg, eldest daughter of the late P. McMaster, Glasgow.
READ, J.-GIBBINS, M. A.-Durban, February 28.
THOMPSON-GOFF-At St. Barnabas, Cape Town, Edward R. Thompson, youngest son of the late Charles Thompson, formerly of Harristown, Queen's Co., to Ellen, widow of the late Lieut.-Colonel G. L. J. Goff, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, and youngest daughter of Sir Robert Dundas, Bart, of Arniston.
FOWLE, G. H., Durban, February 27, aged 49.
GIBSON-At East London, William Swanson, infant son of George Gibson, late of Glasgow.
MACLENNAN-On March 22, at Scallisaig, Alexander MacLennan, aged 63.
MEEK, Mrs. W. E., Greytown, March 1, aged 58.
MULLENY, E. W., Woodstock, March 5, aged 36.
PROCTOR, G. S., Rondeberg, Ladybrand, Feb. 4.
SHEARER, Mrs. M. E., Cape Town, March 7, aged 67.
SHIRES, J. B., Lydenburg, February 23, aged 62.
SPICER, A., Sea Point, March 4, aged 24.
VAN DER SPUY, J. M., Cape Town, March 6, aged 75.
WAGNER, J. M., Beaufort West, March 4, aged 60.
WILSON-On March 7, at Prieska, R. H. Wilson, son of the late Benjamin Dixon Wilson, of Edinburgh.
2 May 1903
ADES-On April 26, at the London and County Bank House, High Wycombe, Bucks, the wife of A. W. Ades, of a son.
BLAKEMORE-On April 30, at 9, Frognal Mansions, Hampstead, N.W., the wife of Percy Harold Jenks Blakemore, of a daughter.
BRINKWORTH, Mrs. G., Sea Point, April 4, a son.
HENDERSON, Mrs. R., Woodstock, April 4, a daughter.
HOLLOWAY, Mrs. E. H., Gordon's Bay, April 2, a daughter.
MOFFAT, Mrs. J. B. Wynberg, March 21, a daughter.
PEACH, Mrs. H. T., Durban, March 28, a daughter.
PETERSEN, Mrs. J., Cape Town, April 3, a daughter.
POYNTON, Mrs. T. T., Berea, March 29, a son.
RIDGWAY, Mrs. R. A., Berea, March 30, a daughter.
ANDERSON, E. A. W.-VON STUCKAAD, Ladysmith, March 24.
CODRINGTON-ROGERS-On April 25, at the Roman Catholic Church, Johannesburg, Captain (Brevet-Major) William Robert Codrington, 11th Hussars, eldest son of Sir William Codrington, Baronet, to Joan, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Harry Adams Rogers, of "The Poplars," Johannesburg.
CORNEYS, C. H.-PHILLIPS, P., Salt River, April 4.
DART, S. H.-FOCK, M., Cape Town, March 31.
KARRI-DAVIES-COCHRANE-On April 27, at Holy Trinity Church, Sloane Street, by the Rev. H. Young, Walter Karri-Davies, third son of M. C. Davies, J.P., Karridale, West Australia, to Annie Christine, eldest daughter of T. R. Cochrane, Singlands, Ireland. Friends are informed that owing to the bride's mother being an invalid the nearest relatives only were invited to the ceremony.
MARTIN, H.-BROWN, A. E., Durban, March 11.
PAULING-MCBRIDE-On April 14, at St. James's Catholic Church, Spanish Place, W., by the Rev. E. F. Murnane, George Henry Richard, elder son of George Pauling, of 26, Victoria Street, and of "The Lodge," Effingham, Surrey, to Kathleen, only daughter of the late James McBride, Drogheda, Ireland, and stepdaughter of George Carpenter, M.D.Lond., of 12, Welbeck Street, W.
RAOUL-DUVAL-ADLER-On Wednesday, at Holy Trinity, Sloane Street, by the Rev.
John Labouchere, Roger Raoul-Duval, late Military Attache French Embassy, London, to Queenie, only daughter of W. Adler.
RHODES, F. E.-MACKENZIE, J., Cape Town, March 31.
STARK-SHEASBY-On April 23, at Johannesburg, John Wood Stark, of Johannesburg (formerly Edinburgh), to Catherine Elizabeth (Kitty), daughter of the late William Flude Sheasby, of "The Oaks," Newlands, Cape Town.
VOGLER, A. E. E.-PITTAWAY, M. E. S., Durban, March 18.
BAX-On April 4, at Maritzburg, Frederick Norman, eldest son of Frederick Bax, of London, aged 39 years.
BLEACH, Miss E. G., Woodstock, March 30, aged 21.
BOUSFIELD, R., Malvern, March 24, aged 10 months.
CARROLL, Mrs. A. J., Cape Town, April 5, aged 34.
CLEMENT-On April 26, at Saltillo, Mexico, Victor Michel Clement, Mining Engineer, of blood poisoning.
CUMMING, Mrs. M., Cape Town, April 2, aged 58.
DREYER, Mrs. E. R., Claremont, April 2, aged 43.
EVANS-On April 22, at Mellaston, Selby Road, Anerley, Harriet Fry Evans, of Ewell, Surrey, aged 73.
GEORGE-On April 25, at 3, Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W., the residence of her son-in-law, George Richards, Eleanor, relict of the late William George, of Grahamstown, South Africa, aged 74.
HILL-On April 24, at Mafeking, of fever, Pelham Maitland Hill, second son of the late Sheriff Hill, Dingwall, N.B.
MCMEEKIN, Mrs. T., Charlestown, March 23, aged 22.
NAPIER, G. J., Simons Town, April 2, aged 31.
REID-On April 27, at 25, Philbeach Gardens, S.W., Mrs. Henry Reid, wife of the late Henry Reid, of Bellevliet, Cape Town.
VON ABO, P. J., Kroonstad, March 27, aged 66.
WELLS-On April 22, at Maritzburg, John de Welles, only son of the late John Wells, of Tellicherry, E.I., aged 40.
Another of the small remnant of the 1820 settlers has passed away in the person of Mrs. Sarah Thompson BERRY, of Port Elizabeth. A daughter of the late John Guildford DUDLEY, of Dudley, England, Mrs. Berry was born on the voyage out in the ship Sir George Osborne, which arrived in Simon's Bay on June 18, 1820. A sister a year older still survives.
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