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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1896 12 December

Tuesday 1 December 1896

BIRTH at Grahamstown, Nov 28 1896, the wife of Fred. W. HARRIS of a son.

A 15 month old son of Mr. [C.....LY], draper, was accidentally drowned in a small water catch pit at Durban. The mother was on the verandah half a dozen yards off at the time, and there was only eight inches of water in the pit.

T.A. SAMUELS, who was looked upon as one of the best all round athletes in South Africa, died in Johannesburg Hospital lately, aged twenty four, after a fortnight’s illness, caused, so it is said, by drinking impure water in the East Rand District. He was educated in the South African College, Capetown, and made his mark in Kimberley as a cricket and football player.

Thursday 3 December 1896

Mr. Will CROSBY, well known as the Editor of the Midland News, was married yesterday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Anglican Church, Cradock, to Miss Ethel M. GREY, only daughter of the late Dr. George GREY. There was a very large attendance of friends and relatives at the Church, and afterwards at the Town Hall, where a reception was held. The happy couple left last night for East London, from whence the [illegible] will be extended. May every blessing be theirs.

The well-known verger of St.George’s Cathedral, Mr. W. ABERNETHY, met with a nasty accident last week. In the performance of his duties he opened one of the heavy windows, and rested it on a brick while he cleaned out the dust underneath with his left hand. The brick broke, and the window, which weighs 75lbs, and has a sharp edge, came down on his hand, cutting it open, laying bare the sinews and smashing the bones badly. He calmly lifted up the widow with his right hand, went to a doctor, and got the wound attended to. We are glad to say the wound is progressing favourably.

Saturday 5 December 1896

It is generally accepted fact that men are more courageous than women, and although we sometimes hear of brilliant deeds of heroism being performed by members of the “weaker sex”, and it has been by no means an unknown thing for men to become unnerved in the hour of danger, and to have shown the “white feather”, yet these are but the exceptions which prove the rule.
It seems a curious dispensation of Nature, therefore, that it is the woman, and not the man, who has to suffer most through life. Whereas to the average man bodily pain is a thing which visits him but seldom, most women are called from childhood onwards to suffer terribly at frequent periods, and there can be no doubt that they show far more courage and fortitude in suffering than men do. Take, for example, the following case of a lady who suffered for many years from a combination of ailments. Her courage must have indeed been great, and now, thanks to Dr. WILLIAMS’s Pink Pills, she is well and happy again.
“Public School, [Kaidebore], Upington.
Dear Sirs, I have been on the brink of despair. My wife has been a sufferer from Rheumatism and other complaints ever since she was a girl, and our three years of married life have been miserable enough, as she has been the greater part of that time laid up in bed, sometimes for two months at a stretch. In spite of doctors and also of patent remedies used by the dozen, she grew worse and worse. Having lost all confidence in the doctor’s drugs and other medicines, I at last tried Dr. WILLIAMS’s Pink Pills for Pale People. They effected the most complete cure I have ever [seen]. After six months [illegible] of them my wife is altogether in sound health now, and does not suffer the slightest pain. This my statement is in no way exaggerated and is at your disposal. Yours faithfully, C. WAGENER, [Trooper].
All such diseases as Rheumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago are cured by Dr. WILLIAMS’s Pink Pills, as well as Indigestion, Headache, Kidney and Liver troubles. Female ailments of all descriptions, and loss of power in men are also remedied by this great specific. Dr. WILLIAMS’s Pink Pills may be had from Chemists and Storekeepers generally, or sent (post paid) by Dr. WILLIAMS’s Medicine Company, Cape Town, on receipt of 3s 3d per single bottle, or half dozen for 17s. They are unrivalled as a tonic and strengthening medicine for both sexes.
[Transcriber’s note: Subsequent issues have different “advertising features” with further examples of miracle cures. More information on the pills can be found at]

Tuesday 8 December 1896

Married at St.Luke’s, Chelsea, London, on November 2nd by the Rev. Mr. Blunt, John, only son of the late Mr. John Miller COOKE, of Hill Top, Tenbury, England, and later of Assegai Bush, district Albany, Cape Colony, to Alice Wilmot, second daughter of Mr. Alfred WEBB, of East London.
[Transcriber’s note: This marriage is in the London Metropolitan Archives. For the bride’s address it says “See License – at present on board the Mail Steamer Dunvegan Castle now at sea, on her way from South Africa”. Alfred WEBB’s profession is given as Newspaper Proprietor and the witnesses to the marriage were B.D. GODLONTON and Walter WEBB.]

Thursday 10 December 1896

We regret to say that news has been received from Berea that Mr. [R.] D. BROWNE, whose family reside at Durban, has been killed by a lion in the veld, whilst out shooting. No details are to hand but the news is definite and authentic, and only awaits official confirmation. Mr. BROWNE had been absent from Durban almost seven years, during which time he regularly corresponded with his family: but now, instead of receiving a remittance, Mrs. BROWNE has the sad tiding of his death, which has plunged her and her children into grief, and in addition finds them in somewhat straitened circumstances, as only one of the children is earning anything substantial, and there are five altogether.

Saturday 12 December 1896

The inmates of Mr. HILL’s house near Dundas Bridge were startled about 10:30 by hearing a great disturbance in one of the bedrooms: the fox terrier was barking, the cat was spitting and swearing and there was a loud thumping on the floor. They went up and found the plucky cat had hold of a huge [obscured], which it had pinned behind the neck. The cat held on to the snake till it was killed by the master of the house.

The death of Mr. Louis VAN REENEN, which became known on Friday last (writes a Natal Mercury Harrismith correspondent) caused widespread sympathy for the bereaved family. He was the only son of Mr.F. VAN REENEN, who many years ago sat in the Raad for a long time and rendered good service not only to the town and district but to the whole country. The young man was about 24 years of age and was transport riding, and at the time was at Engelbrecht’s Drift. There were four men together, including Mr. T. BARRY, who used to live here. He was called away from the others for a few minutes, and when he returned he found all three dead, having been struck by lightning. The saddest feature connected with the death of Mr. Louis VAN REENEN is the fact that he was to have been married next month to a Miss KROGMAN.

Thursday 17 December 1896

St.George’s Cathedral yesterday afternoon was the scene of one of the prettiest weddings it has ever been our happy lot to chronicle, and our experience in that direction is, as all the world knows, by no means limited. At 2pm there was a large congregation of friends and relatives of the bride and bridegroom, both of whom are very well known in Grahamstown. The bride was Miss Maude ATTWELL, daughter of one of our esteemed fellow townsmen, Mr. B.B. ATTWELL, and the happy bridegroom was Mr. Kenneth STEWART, the popular A.R.M. of Springbokfontein, Namaqualand. The nuptial ceremony was performed by the Very Rev. the Dean. The bride was given away to her new guardian by her father. The bridegroom was ably supported by Mr. Bertram E. JUPP of the Standard Bank and Mr. Edward H. ATTWELL of the firm of ATTWELL Bothers, East London, brother of the bride. Misses Florrie DRIVER and Nellie ATTWELL were the two charming bridesmaids. Mr. W. DEANE presided at the grand organ and played the Wedding March at the close of the ceremony. The bride looked very charming in a lovely costume of white bengaline silk trimmed with orange blossom, and carried a shower bouquet. She wore the bridal wreath and veil and a gold watch and chain, the gift of the bridegroom. The dress was made at the establishment of Mr. R.R. STOCKS. The bridesmaids’ dresses were made of China silk worn with fichus of silk edged with chiffon. White chip hats, ostrich tips and white velvet. They wore gold bangles, the present of the bridegroom, and carried bouquets. Amid the joyful clanging of the Cathedral [bells] after the ceremony, the bridal party drove to Mowbray House, the residence of the bride’s father in Oatlands Road, where they sat down to a pleasing [refection], when the usual toasts were honoured. The presents were both numerous and costly and filled one of the rooms by themselves. The happy young couple left for Manley’s Flats, where they will stay at Mr. LOCK’s Hotel for the honeymoon. After this they will visit Graaffreinet en route for their future home in Namaqualand. We can only join with all their numerous friends in wishing them a prosperous voyage o’er life’s [illegible].

The solemn quotation “In the midst of life we are in death” was never brought so forcibly to our minds before as it was yesterday afternoon. In the midst of all our business and work, just at the close of the festivities on account of the Premier’s visit, while the flags were still flying, came the sudden news that Mr. Robert Burns HAMILTON, one of the most generous and kind-hearted citizens of Grahamstown, had died at 2 minutes to 4pm. The death was attributed to heart failure. The news came as a tremendous shock, as Mr. HAMILTON had no previous illness and was walking about the streets alive and well on Monday. Mr. HAMILTON, who was the son of the late Mr. James HAMILTON, was a progressive citizen, well informed on public matters, and always took a large part in anything for the advancement of the town, district [or] the country. He took a great interest in the advancement of Port Alfred, and endeavoured a short while ago to establish a fishing industry there on a large scale. On July 4th [1895] Mr. HAMILTON was elected to represent No.5 Ward in the Town Council, which seat he occupied till his death.
[Transcriber’s note: The obituary continues for a further paragraph but is very difficult to read – it appears to concern Council matters.]

Saturday 19 December 1896

At Trinity Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. J.P. Ritchie, John ROACH, eldest son of the late John ROACH, Kubongo Park, Kei Road, to Ruby ELLIOTT, second daughter of Andrew ELLIOTT, Grahamstown.

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, on 16th Dec. 1896, by the Very Rev. the Dean, Kenneth Robert STEWART A.R.M., Springbokfontein, eldest son of Alex. STEWART Esq., C.C. and R.M. of Graaffreinet, to Theresa Maude, eldest daughter of Benj. B. ATTWELL Esq. J.P. of Grahamstown.

DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday December 16th 1896, Robert Burns HAMILTON, aged 39 years.

Tuesday 22 December 1896

MARRIED at the Wesleyan Chapel, Port Alfred, on the 17th inst, by the Rev. R. Hull, George Alex. ROGERS to Margaretha De Graff GENIS, second daughter of Gerard GENIS of Genisdale, Namaqualand.

Mr. Sydney ATTWELL, a young farmer living at Morokwen, near Vryburg, has committed suicide by shooting himself with a rifle. The top of his skull was blown off and death was instantaneous. His mind was unhinged through losing all his cattle with rinderpest. He had been married less than a year, and his wife gave birth to a little girl a few hours after the tragedy.

We regret to report the death of Mrs. LUCAS, the young wife of Mr. P. De Neufville LUCAS, son of Mr. W.T. LUCAS of this town. The lady died at Johannesburg on Sunday night suddenly. She will be remembered by all her friends in town as Miss Florence CURRIE.

Thursday 24 December 1896

A Bloemfontein telegram states that Joseph HERBERT, postmaster, fell down dead at the Presidential banquet at Thaba Nchu on Thursday night.

When the Johannesburg down train reached Fraserburg Road Thursday last, the guard, a man named GOGGINS, was found missing. The engine was at once sent back as far as the last siding to look for the missing man, while a number of passengers and some of the staff proceeded back on foot. At the iron bridge, which crosses the river half a mile beyond the station, they came across the unfortunate man lying in the middle of the dry river bed immediately beneath the bridge, where he would be invisible to those on the engine. The head was fearfully gashed and the upper portion of the body was smothered in blood. The body was at once removed on a stretcher to the station, and the railway doctor wired for from Beaufort West. Life was extinct. There were two brake vans attached to the end of the train and it is surmised in passing from one to the other GOGGINS must have lost his footing and been dashed against one of the iron girders, and then fallen to the ground some twenty feet below. Deceased (says the Cape Times) was unmarried.

Tuesday 29 December 1896

In the Estate of the late William CORBETT of Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their claims with the Undersigned at his office in High Street within six weeks from this date, and those indebted thereto are requested to pay the amounts [illegible] within the same period at the same place.
High Street, Grahamstown

I hereby announce that Mr. Alfred Arthur STANTON has been duly elected Councillor of the City of Grahamstown for No.5 Ward, in the place of the late Mr. R.B. HAMILTON.
Henry WOOD
Town Office, Grahamstown
20th Dec 1896

BIRTH at Vryburg on 29th December 1896, the wife of E.G. CHAPMAN Jun. of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 26th December 1896, William Monkhouse Graham CLOETE, eldest son of Evelyn and Maria CLOETE of Waterfall, Albany, aged 26 years. Deeply regretted.

DIED at the Residency, Grahamstown, on 28th December, Mrs. Mary GREENLEES, relict of the late Dr. Thomas GREENLEES, of Ballantrae, Ayrshire, Scotland.
Ayrshire and Argyleshire papers please copy.

PASSED AWAY at Irivale, district Tarkastad, at the residence of her youngest son, Francis Joseph KING, on the 15th December 1896, Sarah Kidger (born TUCKER), relict of the late Francis KING of Bedford, Cape Colony.

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