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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1896 11 November

Tuesday 3 November 1896

This morning at St.George’s Cathedral the wedding of Dr. BLACK of the Bacteriological Institute to Miss Blanche WRIGHT, second daughter of Mr. G.G. WRIGHT of Grahamstown, took place at 9:30 o’clock. The wedding was of a very quiet nature, though there were a number of friends of the bride and bridegroom. The Very Rev. Dean HOLMES performed the ceremony while Mr. W. [DEANE] presided at the organ. The bride wore a bridal gown of white [s........], the bodice daintily finished with ivory chiffon and orange blossom. She also wore a Duchess of Devonshire hat of white chip trimmed with ostrich plumes and chiffon. Her costume and hat were tastefully made at Messrs. Muirhead & Gowie’s.
We understand that Dr. BLACK is shortly leaving Grahamstown to take up a new appointment at Robben island.

Saturday 7 November 1896

On Tuesday 3rd November, Robert St.Clair BLACK M.B., son of George BLACK Esq. of Inverness, to Blanch Isabella Huntly, second daughter of G.G. WRIGHT Esq. of Grahamstown.

FELL ASLEEP at Vleifontein, O.F.S., Oct 31st, at the residence of her uncle, Mr. J. Oscar STEPHEN, Sarah Lydia, aged [21] years and [4] months, eldest daughter of W.H. and S.A. HINTON, Port Elizabeth, and granddaughter of Mr. William GOLDSWAIN.
So He giveth His beloved rest.

On Wednesday Samuel BODHILL, a blacksmith, died at the Port Elizabeth Hospital from the effects of a heavy [illegible]. He was picked up unconscious in the road at North End and conveyed promptly to the Hospital, but the unfortunate man was too far gone for medical aid. He had been drinking heavily since Saturday.

Mr. Justice JACOBZ, of the Free State, has become engaged to his sister-in-law’s second daughter.

Tuesday 10 November 1896

PASSED AWAY, at Brighton, on 10th October, Dr. James Clephan MINTO, in his 92nd year.

We regret to hear that a telegram has been received from Johannesburg by the relatives of Mr. George CHAPMAN, announcing his death, but so far as we have heard, without particulars. The event was quite unexpected by them, as they had no knowledge that he was not in good health. Mr. CHAPMAN was a son of the late Rev. George CHAPMAN, Wesleyan Missionary in West Africa and in this Colony.

[Transcriber’s note: There is quite a lengthy obituary, but sadly apart from the heading, which is in bold block capitals, the text is too faint and blurred to read]

Thursday 12 November 1896

DIED at Malmesbury, Western Province, on the 9th Nov 1896, Reginald Nicholas, second son of N.H. and M.A SMIT, of Seymour, aged 19 years and 10 months, deeply regretted.

Saturday 14 November 1896

Married in St.John’s Church, East London, on Tuesday 10th Nov 1896, by the Ven. Archdeacon Grant, John Edward, eldest son of J.P. MEDLICOTT Esq., of Bank House, Knighton, Radnorshire, Wales, to A.L. Winifred (Winnie), third daughter of Alfred WEBB Esq, of East London.

Tuesday 17 November 1896

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on Tuesday Nov 17 1896, Doris, the beloved infant daughter of E.A. and C.E. ASHINGTON, aged 4 months and 11 days.

BEADLE. In loving memory of my dear wife Agnes Louisa, who died 13 Nov 1891 at Grahamstown.
She is not dead to those who loved her,
Not lost, but gone before;
She lives with us in memory still,
As in the days of yore.

Saturday 21 November 1896

A young farmer named DENHAM was found dead in the veld in the Free State, a few miles outside Beaconsfield, on Saturday.

Mrs. GRIFFITHS, widow of the late Mr. H.G. GRIFFITHS, who, it will be remembered, died suddenly in Port Elizabeth a couple of months ago, arose on Thursday apparently in her usual state of health, partook of breakfast, and dressed, ready to go out collecting for St.Katherine’s Church. The Rev. C.R. [JENKS] called on her about 9 o’clock, and whilst standing talking to the unfortunate lady she apparently fainted. Mr. [JENKS] laid her on a sofa and called in a neighbour to attend to her whilst he went for Dr. FRASER, but before he could return with the doctor (says the U. Times) Mrs. GRIFFITHS had passed away in an epileptic fit.

Thursday 26 November 1896

MARRIED at Rokeby Park, Nov 24th, by the Rev. T.D. Rogers, James G. RICHARDSON, eldest son of Mr. James RICHARDSON, of Rokeby Park, to Ethel Maud BROOKSHAW, second daughter of Mr. Thomas BROOKSHAW, of Blaauwkrantz.

Saturday 28 November 1896

An interesting wedding took place recently at Barberton when Mr. Harry [FIGG] was married to Miss E.M. DAVIES, daughter of the late Dr. E. DAVIES of this city. After the ceremony the wedding party was entertained by the Committee of the Barberton Hospital, to which institution the bride had tendered valuable assistance during the past few years.

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