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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1894 12 December

Saturday 1 December 1894

(By Authority)
From and after 1st January 1895every birth and every death must be reported to proper Registering Officers. Full particulars will be available from Resident Magistrates, any Postmaster, Stationmaster, Fieldcornet or Police Officer.
Under Colonial Secretary
Colonial Secretary’s Office
29th Nov 1894

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday Nov 30th 1894, William WEBB, in his 73rd year.
The funeral of the late Mr. William WEBB will leave his late residence, New Street, this (Saturday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. All friends are respectfully invited to attend. No special invitations.
A. WILL, Undertaker

At the Johannesburg Circuit Court, Edward John DYER, charged with the murder of Archibald MURDOCH on October 9th, by stabbing him with a swordstick, was sentenced to death; but it is anticipated that the sentence will be commuted to penal servitude for life. The prisoner was addicted to taking morphia, and in defence said he was under its influence when he committed the crime.

We regret to record the death of one of our oldest citizens, a Town Councillor, and one who was well known in Grahamstown and district to everyone. We refer to Mr. Wm. WEBB, who passed away at 8am yesterday; and who will be buried this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Mr. WEBB had not been very well for a long time, but this last serious attack came on very suddenly in the form of apoplexy, and the disease combined with exhaustion caused his death. Our deceased fellow-citizen leaves a widow and a large number of children and grandchildren to mourn their loss. Mr. WEBB was an active citizen up to the last, and has for many years busied himself in all matters concerning the welfare of our city. He had reached the good old age of 73 years. We offer our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved family.

Tuesday 4 December 1894

DIED at Grahamstown, Dec 3rd 1894, Jane, relict of the late R. FURMIDGE, in her 84th year.
The funeral of the above will leave her late residence, South Street, this (Tuesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

Last night Mrs. Jane FURMIDGE, of South-street, relict of the late Mr. R. FURMIDGE, late Armour Sergt. of the Cape Corps, died at her late residence. The deceased lady had reached the ripe old age of 84. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o’clock.

The late Mr. William WEBB, who claimed in later years to be one of the oldest inhabitants of Grahamstown, if not the oldest, was born at Salem on the 18th December 1821, about a year after the arrival of the British Settlers. In time he came to Grahamstown with his parents, and was from his earliest days attached to the Wesleyan Church, of which he was an ardent and sincere member to the close of his life, holding many offices in its numerous organisations, and had his name engraved on the old Slate Tablet at the back of Commemoration Church as one of its first Trustees. When a boy of 15 years he went with his father in the 1835 war as a volunteer, again giving his services in the 1846 war, accompanying the Imperial troops under Colonel KYTE, which the Governors recognised by a vote of thanks. In [1857], when Mr. WEBB had reached his [36th] year, he again joined in the Colonial forces under General CATHCART, going over the Kei, and was selected by the unanimous vote of over a thousand burghers [through] the field to take charge of several thousand head of captured cattle to bring to Grahamstown, receiving for the service a valuable present in cash, as well as a vote of thanks from his comrades. For good services in the Kafir Wars the Government gave Mr. WEBB a valuable farm at [] in Kaffraria, which afterwards passed out of his hands under conditions more generous than profitable. Mr. WEBB had now taken up his fixed residence in Grahamstown with his wife and family, and took an active and intelligent interest in all public matters. Sir Walter CURRIE and the Hon. Robert GODLONTON recommended Mr. WEBB for the office of Field Cornet for Grahamstown, the duties of which were somewhat more onerous than those of the present day, the Field Cornet having to accompany the Judges on Circuit through the District. Mr. WEBB’s services were sought for by his fellow-citizens in the early days of Municipal Government, having been duly elected Councillor for No.6 Ward at the first election in 1865 to the new Town Council, which had then succeeded the old Board of Municipal Commissioners. Mr. WEBB held a seat in the Town Council – with a very short interval – for about 40 years, and won the election whenever his seat was contested. Hardly a member of the Council took greater interest in Municipal matters than Mr. W. WEBB, and in later years the early faults of his personalities in debate were much toned down, making his opinion on matters Municipal generally respected and valued. Mr. WEBB was for 15 years a member of the Albany Divisional Council, and it can be truly be said that the interests of the citizens of Grahamstown were most faithfully and jealously guarded by him there. While representing the city in the Divisional Council the rates were lower than they had been for many years previously and are now nearly increased to what they were in Mr. WEBB’s time. This fact alone will be ample testimony of [illegible] Mr. WEBB gave to the interests of his constituents while representing them on the board of the Albany Divisional Council. In 1879, when the discovery of diamonds in Griqualand West took not only the Colony but the whole world by surprise, and attracted a population of tens of thousands to what was truly named as one of the wonders of the age, Mr. WEBB was amongst the first of them who went from Grahamstown to Klip Drift by what was then a long and arduous journey. The trip had then to be made by ox-wagon, and occupied a little over a month. How different to the luxurious journey of today, taking but 26 hours. On his arrival at the fields Mr. WEBB was elected one of the Committee of Management representing the whole body of the diggers, to keep order and regulate the working of the claims. Failing health compelled Mr. WEBB to return to Grahamstown, but two years later he went back to Dutoitspan, where he had fair success amongst the [crowd] then going to the fields. The attractions of home were, however, too strong for Mr. WEBB, and he returned to Grahamstown, after six months’ experience at the fields. The Government recognised Mr. WEBB’s public service by placing him on the Commission of the Peace, a distinction Mr. WEBB very justly valued. There was not a public matter of any consequence that Mr. WEBB did not take an active interest in. The Justice of the British Settlers was most heartily supported and assisted by him, and to the last of his days he repeatedly expressed a wish to see some public record of the Settlers placed on the Memorial Hall which was built with the Town Hall. The Good Templars had an enthusiastic friend in Mr. WEBB, and in this order he held the office of Chief Templar. Most of the Benefit Societies of the city had his name enrolled on their books either as honorary member or otherwise. Mr. WEBB had a business in town and afterwards as well in Port Elizabeth, but relinquished these in favour of some of his sons [illegible].. was distinguished for many kindnesses especially to the working classes, who knew him by the familiar title of “the Poor Man’s Friend”. Mr. WEBB was married in the year 1843 at the early age of 21 to Miss Susan KEEN, daughter of the late Mr. KEEN, who was one of the first British Settlers. Their family was a large one: five sons and [six] daughters [and] of them a son and daughter have [died] before him. His surviving sons are Mr. C.S. WEBB, Superintendent of the Fort Beaufort Asylum, Mr. John WEBB of Johannesburg, Mr. Thos. WEBB of [Pretoria] and Mr. Richard WEBB of this city. His sons-in-law Mr. James GIBSON and Mr. A.F. GIBSON are well known both here and at Johannesburg, another, Mr. C.J. LEPPAN, is one of our leading farmers in Albany, and Mr. W.B. SHAW of Capetown has many friends there and is well known as one of the smartest members of the [illegible...Lower....] Bar. In closing these few reminiscences of the late Mr. William WEBB it can truly be said that the community have lost in him a good and worthy citizen, and those that knew him a valued friend.

At Kingwilliamstown on Wednesday was celebrated the marriage of that popular Anglican clergyman, Rev. J.N. CLARK of Adelaide with Miss Gertrude SHAW, only daughter of Mr. Jesse SHAW of Fort Beaufort. The Rev.Mr. HOLMES, assisted by the Rev. Mr. PARKHURST, tied the nuptial knot (says the Advocate) before a gathering of the friends of the parties.

We record with great regret the death of the esteemed Principal of Public School, which took place on Sunday evening last. Mr. ANGUS had of late been suffering from phthisical affection of throat, lungs and stomach, and so severe was the attack that from the time when Dr. GREATHEAD was called in a month ago, he was compelled to forecast the gravest results. The Committee of Management at once made improvements to relieve Mr. ANGUS of all work, but in spite of rest and treatment the disease did not yield, and the patient gradually sank. Mr. ANGUS, who before his coming to this Colony had been Principal of a large school in Scotland, was a graduate of a Scottish university, and was exceedingly well qualified for the work he had undertaken. During the two years of the principalship the Public School has been recovering efficiency and popularity, and the Committee looked forward with entire satisfaction to its prosperity under the management of a Principal in whom they had every confidence, and who was held in respect and affection by his pupils. The premature death which has removed him from a career so full of promise is especially deplorable on account of Mr. ANGUS having but recently entered the married state. We offer our sincerest condolence to the bereaved lady, and to the other connexions of our deceased friend. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock, when a brief and appropriate service was held in Trinity Church, the Rev.Mr. PITT being assisted by several ministers of other city churches. The procession then started for the Cemetery, and was composed of the Public School Cadet Corps, of which Mr. ANGUS had been Captain, and the remainder of the scholars of the School with the teachers, followed by a number of the leading citizens. The pall was borne by Messrs, R. AYLIFF, John E. WOOD M.L.A., Major TAMPLIN M.L.A., A.B. SHAND, W. GOWIE, and F. HUTTON. The coffin, which had been carried into the Church by the teachers of the School, was removed from the hearse to the Cemetery borne by members of the Caledonian Society to its last resting-place, where the closing portion of the service was read by the Rev. A. PITT.

Thursday 6 December 1894

On December 2nd 1894, at his residence, Pinedon, Clumber, William Henry PURDON, aged 86 years 2 months and 6 days.
“Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age, like a shock of corn cometh in in his season”

We have to announce the decease of Mr. William Henry PURDON, who died at Pinedon, Clumber on Dec 2nd 1894, at the good old age of 86 years and 2 months. Mr. PURDON was born at Cawnpore, India on Sept. 26th 1808, but subsequently left India and went to England, where he stayed for 2 years, after which he embarked on a sailing vessel and arrived here in 1820 with the British Settlers, being then 12 years of age. Mr. PURDON went with WILSON’s [sic] Party to Lower Albany, where he married Miss Elizabeth TARR, of the British Settlers of the Nottingham party, and where he leaves numerous descendants, 12 of his children being alive, and a large number of grandchildren. Mr. PURDON lived all the rest of his life in Lower Albany, and went through all the Kafir wars, surviving several wounds, and having many hair breadth escapes. On one occasion it is related that he was looking after some cattle that the Kafirs wished to steal, and while in the kraal a Kafir stole up to him and threw an assegai, which tore his braces, and continued through his hat. Mr. PURDON kept the hat as a memento.

Saturday 8 December 1894

In the Estate of the late Richard KYTE, Butcher, of Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their Claims with the Undersigned within six weeks from the date of publication; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amounts owing within the same period.
Lorimer B. DOLD
Executor Dative
28th Nov 1894

At Fernlea House, Barberton, on November 24th 1894, the wife of A.E. GRAHAM-LAWRANCE of a daughter.

DIED at Drostdy House, Grahamstown, on Sunday December 2nd, James B. ANGUS M.A., Principal of Public School.

Tuesday 11 December 1894

At the Wesleyan Church, Pretoria, on the [8th] inst, by the Rev. Geo. [Weaviad], assisted by the Rev. W.J. Underwood, Leslie Guard BAKER, son of Mr. Geo. BAKER of Grahamstown, to Henrietta Albertha STEAD, third daughter of Mr. H. STEAD, of Pretoria.

Thursday 13 December 1894

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Wednesday Dec 12th 1894, the wife of Mr. E. QUERL of Koflyfontein, O.F.S., of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown, Tuesday night, 11th December 1894, Robert STANTON Sen., a son of one of the British Settlers of 1820, aged 77 years and 10 months.

Mr. S. ROBERTS, Chief Inspector of Natives, has removed from East London and taken up his residence in Queenstown, as his headquarters.

Saturday 15 December 1894

DIED at Lombard’s Post, Southwell, Lower Albany, on Wednesday December 12th 1894, Millicent Dell, beloved wife of Mr. William P. KEETON, aged 53 years.

The funeral of the late Mr. STANTON took place on Thursday afternoon last, the body being buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by the Revs. A. PITT and S.J. HELM. Messrs. James, Robert, William and Arthur STANTON, sons of the deceased, were chief mourners, and the pall was borne by Messrs. J.E. WOOD M.L.A., Capt. SAMPSON, C.J. STIRK, H. WOOD, W. WICKS and A.S. WHITNALL. Many beautiful wreaths were laid on the coffin as it was lowered to the last resting place.

Saturday 22 December 1894

Died suddenly in Grahamstown, on the 20th inst, Mr. William F. DUGMORE of Fish River, aged 81 years. Came to this country with his parents, Settlers of 1820.

On Saturday the body of Mr. George ANDERSON, shorthand clerk to the Postmaster General, was found lying on the mountain near the Waterklip. There were no external marks of violence, and pending the result of a post-mortem examination, and of an analysis of the contents of the stomach, the cause of death remains a mystery.

Thursday 27 December 1894

A Maritzburg paper reports a sad bathing fatality in the Umsindusi River, a boy, 12 years of age, a son of the Rev. W.P. POOLE, never rising again after a dive.

Saturday 29 December 1894

BIRTH at Drostdy House, Grahamstown, on Saturday 22nd December 1894, Mrs. James B. ANGUS of a son.

On December 27th 1894, at Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. S.J. Helm, assisted by the Rev. A.T. Rhodes, Ernest Gerald GANE to Mary Louisa, daughter of the Rev. George COUSINS, London Missionary Society.

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. Harry GIBSON, which took place at the Asylum last evening.

A large gathering assembled at Commemoration on Thursday afternoon last, the occasion being the marriage of Mr. E.G. GANE, Vice-Principal of the Wesleyan Collegiate School, with Miss Mary COUSINS, daughter of the Rev. Geo. COUSINS of London. On the arrival of the bride, escorted by the Rev. Theo. CHUBB BA, she was attended to the altar by the Misses [Bessie] HELM and Nesta WELLS, of Grahamstown, and Miss Ruby MANN, of Johannesburg, as bridesmaids, and a very beautiful tableau they presented in their pretty costumes, details of which we give below. The bridegroom found an able supporter in Mr. S. MASON BA, of Somerset East, as his groomsman. The service was conducted by the Rev. A.T. RHODES, assisted by the Rev. S.J. HELM. Mr. SPEED presided at the organ and played several appropriate selections, suitable hymns being also sung by the choir. The bride’s dress was of ivory white fancy crepon, trimmed with white silk and very handsome Malagasy lace. Miss HELM wore a dress of ivory crepon, trimmed with lace and heliotrope ribbons. Miss WELLS wore heliotrope crepon trimmed with white lace, Miss Ruby MANN a white lace dress with heliotrope ribbons. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party drove to the residence of the Rev. T. CHUBB in Grey Street, where many friends and relatives were met to give a hearty greeting to the happy young couple now indissolubly made one in life and all its interests, and we would desire to add our [m..d] of good wishes for the future happiness of Mr. and Mrs. GANE.

  • Hits: 1920