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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1894 11 November

Thursday 1 November 1894

DIED at Rose Villa, West Hill, on the 31st October 1894, Emily GADD, only daughter of the late William WRIGHT and beloved wife of Joseph GADD, of Grahamstown

Mrs. GADD died yesterday morning at 4 o’clock from the injuries received from the murderer on Friday morning. Mrs. GADD never recovered consciousness and died in an unconscious state. The funeral will take place at 3:30 this afternoon.
Drs. GREATHEAD and CHEW held a post-mortem examination yesterday at 12 o’clock and it was found that (1) there was near the left temple above the ear a clear cut about 3½inches long, right through the skull and brain tissue into the brain. Resulting from this cut, which must have been made by a very violent blow, the skull was fractured in the upper direction over the top of the head right down to the base of the skull at the neck, and then round above the ear to the temple. In addition to this there was a cross fracture. (2) A piece of the skull about [illegible] inch long and ½ inch wide was driven deeply into the brain. (3) There was a cut to the centre of the forehead nearly an inch in length, which is explained by the theory that Mrs. GADD had the door half open, and was going out, when the assassin cut at her from inside the room, and only just touched her, the axe cutting a splinter off the door. (4) On the left shoulder there was another wound made by some sharp instrument, which had gone through the clothing; all round the wound was a large bruise. (5) Bruises on the leg and left wrist. Note: The blade of the axe (produced) fits exactly into the wound on the head, and there is a dark stain on the blade, showing how deep it went in.

Saturday 3 November 1894

The funeral of the late Mrs. GADD left the residence, West Hill, on Thursday afternoon at half past three, proceeding first to Christ Church, where a portion of the Burial Service was gone through, and thence to the Anglican Cemetery. The officiating clergy were the Right Rev. Bishop WEBB and Rev. M. NORTON. Great sympathy was manifested for the family which had been so cruelly bereaved, - in the closing of stores on the line of route, the sending of an unusual quantity of beautiful wreaths, and in the large attendance of leading citizens at the funeral. The pall bearers were Sir. J.D. BARRY, Dr. BECKER, Messrs. Henry WOOD, BIDEN, G.G. WRIGHT, Hon. W. AYLIFF, C.R. GOWIE and J. HEMMING C.C. The chief mourners were the sons of the deceased: Messrs. Harold GADD A.R.M. and Montague GADD, Mr. Jno. E. WOOD M.L.A. and Dr. GREATHEAD. At the close of the funeral rites in the Cemetery a few touching and consolatory words were well spoken by Bishop WEBB, who reminded the mourning friends and relations that the painfully sad manner in which the life of the deceased had been brought to a close was after all not to be a cause of distress or discouragement, because death in all its forms, even when most mysterious, is altogether under the control and appointment of a wise and loving Saviour, and in the case of those who had lived as she whom they mourned had lived, it was but the passage to a brighter immortality.

Tuesday 6 November 1894

MARRIED by Special Licence at St.Patrick’s Cathedral, Nov 4th 1894, by the Rev. Father Hanton, John HURLEY, eldest son of James HURLEY to M.A. LYNCH (widow of the late J.R. LYNCH), both of this city.

DIED at his residence, Rose Villa, Grahamstown, on 4th November 1894, Joseph GADD, in his 60th year.
No special invitations. Friends are invited. Funeral to move from late residence of the deceased, West Hill, at 3:30pm today (Tuesday), 6th Nov 1894
A. WILL, Undertaker

Mr. Joseph GADD, the second victim in the West Hill Tragedy, died on Sunday afternoon and will be buried this afternoon at 3:30. Deceased was 60 years of age.

[Transcriber’s Note: There is a short paragraph describing Joseph GADD’s funeral in the following issue (8 November) but it is too faint to read. Full details of the murder of Mr. and Mrs.GADD can be found in the issue for 27 October]

Saturday 10 November 1894

A little girl, three years of age, daughter of Mr. NORMAN, caretaker of a farm in Maynard Valley, Wynburg, was drowned in a pond of water in her father’s garden at noon. She had been playing, and on being missed was found in the pond.

The Rev. Dr. CRUSE, who has had a painful illness lasting for twelve months, died at Worcester on Monday in his thirty-fourth year. He was looked upon as one of the most promising of the younger ministers of the Dutch Reformed Church. Great sympathy is felt for the young widow and child.

Yesterday afternoon Mr. Jas. McLEOD’s young daughter, a child of about 3 years of age, met with a most painful accident. The native boy was driving Mr. McLEOD’s [2]-wheeled cart into the yard, over the sluit, when two of the children, a little boy and girl, made an attempt to climb into the vehicle. They both slipped and fell; the boy escaped injury, but the little girl fell under the wheels, one of which passed right over her hips. She was picked up and taken inside, and afterwards removed to the Hospital, where Dr. GREATHEAD was soon in attendance, and it was found that one hip had been smashed. We hear this morning that the little sufferer is in a dangerous condition.

Tuesday 13 November 1894

The Johannesburg community was much shocked at the death of Mrs. BAYNES, wife of the editor of the Standard and Diggers’ News. The deceased lady gave birth on Wednesday morning to twin boys, and was progressing favourably when she suddenly grew worse, and died. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband.

Thursday 15 November 1894

MARRIED on Wednesday 14th last at St.George’s Cathedral, by the Ver Rev. Dean Holmes, J.J.P. HARE, son of the late Robert HARE, of [Klepmute], to Ethel DeNeufville LUCAS, daughter of W.T. LUCAS Esq. of this City.

We learn that Mr. H.A. COPELAND is about to retire from the firm of COPELAND & CREED, and the business will be carried on by Mr. CREED.

We are sorry to learn that news has been received by Mr. Warwick HILL of this city of the death of his eldest son, Mr. Warwick HILL Jun., on Oct. 25, in Mashonaland, whither he had gone to settle in conjunction with his brother, who has long resided in that country. The cause of death was dysentery. We sincerely sympathise with the bereaved family in this loss, which is the more painful as coming so soon after the death of another son, Mr. Herbert HILL, at Buluwayo.

Saturday 17 November 1894

In the Estate of the late
Of Sevenfountains,
The Executors Testamentary, William Norman EMSLIE and George EMSLIE, hereby notify that all Persons claiming to be Creditors are requested to lodge with, and all Debtors to the Estate to pay their respective debts to the above-named George EMSLIE of Mantje’s Kraal, Albany, P.O. Sevenfountains, within six weeks from this date.
Grahamstown, 16th November 1894

Tuesday 20 November 1894

MARRIED at the Church of “Jesu”, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A., on the 4th Sept. 1894, Henry Nicholas Ferdinand DEMITROWITZ to Emma Lacey, youngest daughter of John McCABE Esq, both formerly residents of Grahamstown.

It is (says a Queenstown paper) our painful duty to have to record the death of Mr. H. MORRISON, accountant of the local branch of the African Banking Corporation, which sad event took place at Joplin’s Commercial Hotel on Monday morning last.

An electrician named REYNOLDS committed suicide the other afternoon at the Rand, in a bedroom. No reason was assigned, except that he was in low water. After drinking with a friend he retired to the room and shot himself with a revolver.

A Capetown paper hears from Bloemfontein that a young lady, Miss TALJAARD, died suddenly in the arms of a young man with whom she was dancing. Heart disease is said to be the cause.

Saturday 24 November 1894

Married at Jeppestown, Nov 13th 1894, at St.Mary’s by the Rev. G. Percy, Henry Pringle ASHTON, second son of Rev. W. ASHTON, Barkly West, to Lydia, fourth daughter of Nathaniel COOK, formerly of Kimberley.

A few days ago Piet CONRADIE was in a wagon with a wedding party travelling to Newcastle when he was jolted off the [seat], and the wheel passing over his chest, inflicted injuries from which he died in half an hour. Notwithstanding this the marriage was celebrated in the Dutch Church on Monday. The bride was a relative of CONRADIE’s.

Tuesday 27 November 1894

At Commemoration Church on Tuesday Nov. 27th 1894, by the Rev. J. Pendlebury, Reginald Benjamin STIRK, of Woodlands, Southwell, second son of C.J. STIRK Esq, of this city, to Emily Newton (Emmie), youngest daughter of W. WICKS Esq, also of this city.

This morning a very pretty wedding took place in Commemoration Church when Miss Emmie WICKS, youngest daughter of Mr. W. WICKS, was united to Reginald STIRK, son of Mr. C.J. STIRK. The bride, who was ‘given away’ by her father, looked charming in a handsome dress of crepon silk, trimmed with chiffon and guipure lace; she wore a wreath of orange blossom, and tulle veil, and carried a lovely shower bouquet. The bridesmaids were Miss Ellie EARLY and Miss Muriel STIRK (cousin and sister of the bridegroom) and Miss Ivy HAPER (niece of the bride). Miss EARLY was attired in cream crepon trimmed with apple-green shot silk, hat to match, and the two little girl-bridesmaids wore dresses of yellow crepon trimmed with white lace and ribbon, and white lace hats: and all carried very pretty bouquets. The bride’s dress was made by Miss LORING; and the bridesmaid’s dresses at the establishment of Mr. R. Restall STOCKS. The groomsman was Mr. M.W. STIRK. After the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. J. PENDLEBURY, the party proceeded to the residence of the bride’s parents, where luncheon was provided. After the usual toasts had been honoured, the happy couple left for their future home at Woodlands, Southwell. The presents were numerous, varied and costly. The bride being a member of the choir there was a full choral service, Mr. T.E. SPEED playing the Wedding March in his usual perfect style. The equipages were furnished from Mr. G.W. GOUGH’s livery stable and could not have been more [shiny] and convenient.

Thursday 29 November 1894

Mr. W. TODD, lessee of the Edendale Mill, about five miles from Maritzburg, awoke the other night to find the mill in flames. It took him all his time to save his house, which is only a short distance from the mill. The latter was completely gutted. The damage, including the machinery, is over £3,000, partially insured. The owner is a widow named Mrs. ALLISON. It is supposed that the fire was the work of tramps.

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