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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1892 12 December

Saturday 3 December 1892

PASSED AWAY at Atherstone on 29th November, Charlotte Elizabeth, aged 7 years, second daughter of Thomas and Frances HOOLE.

Tuesday 6 December 1892

BIRTH at Capetown on December 1st 1892, the wife of Robert DUNCAN Jnr. (Winnie SHAW) of a daughter.

ENTERED INTO REST this morning, Brooke ATTWELL, in the 84th year of his age.
Father in Thy gracious keeping
Leave we now Thy servant sleeping.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Bathurst-st, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

We record today the decease of this venerable citizen in his eighty-fourth year. Life was for many months past slowly ebbing out, and since the time that the deceased has been laid aside from activity, his aged wife, who was his assiduous and affectionate nurse, was taken from his side through the effect of a fall, causing severe fracture. Mr. ATTWELL came to this country with his parents, who were Settlers, in 1820, and during the long and changeful history of the Albany settlement he has resided here, and has been identified with its fortunes. For many years previous to his retirement from public life he was the much respected Marketmaster of Grahamstown. In the days of his vigour he was universally beloved and esteemed. He had an excellent voice, and his musical taste, which we may say has proved hereditary in his family, enabled him to render most acceptable service in the conduct of divine worship, and in private, for a long period of years. His strong constitution enabled him to be comparatively active until within a recent date, and his last days were soothed and tended by the affectionate and solicitous care of his son and daughters. Death has come at last purely from old age, and we understand with little or no pain. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon, leaving the residence of the deceased at 4pm, and though no special invitations have been issued, we are requested to say that friends are invited to attend on the occasion.

Thursday 8 December 1892

A strange and sad fatality has occurred in the Fraserburg district. Two sons of Mr. G. SMITH, of Zak River’s Poort, one a lad of eight years of age and the other two years older, went out into the veld with their father’s sheep. The sun being hot, the boys, the boys commenced to dig out a sort of cave in the bank of the river, in which to shelter themselves. They had almost completed it when a large quantity of earth fell, and both boys were entombed. The older boy managed to struggle out, and at once set to work to help his brother. While thus busy he heard his brother calling for help in a gradually weakening voice, and then the cries ceased. When at last he had removed the earth the child was dead.

A most lamentable and distressing drowning fatality occurred on the Vaal River, about four hours from Douglass, on Sunday the 20th. Two young ladies, daughters of Mr. VAN MOUBEN, aged respectively 16 and 18 years of age, went for a bathe in the river from the farm “Olle River”, owned by Mr. UYS, situated on the bank of the river but in the Kimberley district. Mrs. UYS was sitting watching them from the banks, and suddenly without warning the young ladies got out of their depth. Mrs. UYS raised the alarm for her husband, who was in the wagon some little distance off, but he thinking that the shouts arose from the enjoyment of their bathe, hesitated for a while until thoroughly aroused to the sad fact that the poor girls were drowning. Divesting himself of his clothes he plunged in to the rescue, but alas too late. The body of the younger sister was recovered later in the day, but that of the elder not until the following morning. On Tuesday they were buried amidst the intense grief of their parents, for whom great sympathy is felt, and the large number of friends and relatives who were present. Deep gloom passed over the part of the district and this village, where the young ladies were so well known and highly respected.

Saturday 10 December 1892

The will (dated 8 June 1888) of Marthinus Lourens BESTER of the Albany district was filed on the 22nd November 1892 by the surviving spouse Catherina Elizabeth BESTER. This was a joint will, under which, at the death of the survivor, the immoveable property devolves upon the first and second marriages of the testators (with the exception of Paul Michael, who is specially excluded) on condition that the said sons shall pay to each of their sisters the sum of £150, and if one of the said sisters should die, then the portion must devolve upon her issue, if any. The moveable property to be divided between all the sons and daughters.

This ceremony took place on Wednesday afternoon, the procession leaving the residence in 4pm for Commemoration Church, where the former part of the burial service was gone through, after which the order was re-formed, and proceeded to the Wesleyan Cemetery. There was a large attendance, the hearse being preceded by the Mayor and Corporation, out of respect for an official of such long service as the deceased had rendered. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Reuben AYLIFF, W.A. FLETCHER, B. HOCKEY, J. SLATER, W. WEBB and Hon. W. AYLIFF. The service was conducted by Rev. H. COTTON, assisted by Revs. W. HOLDEN, W. TYSON and W.F. EVANS. A funeral service will, we believe, be held in Commemoration shortly, the deceased gentleman having been for many years a Trustee and official in connexion with that Church.

Tuesday 13 December 1892

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on the 12th instant, Mary, dearly beloved wife of S.W. DELL, of Queenstown, and second daughter of Mr. John HAYTON of this City.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. S.W. DELL will move from her late residence, near the Cricket Ground, at 7am tomorrow (Wednesday).
A. WILL, Undertaker.

DIED at Fort Peddie on 4th December 1892, Robert JONES,  born 25th December 1818 in the Village of Rednall, Parish of West Felton, County of Salop. Oswestry papers please copy.
A light is from our household gone,
A voice we loved is still,
A place is vacant at our hearth
Which never can be filled.
A loving father, true and kind,
He was to us in heart and mind;
A careful husband, too, as well,
When he with us on earth did dwell.
Grieve not, dear wife, I am at rest.
Grieve not, dear children, I am blest;
Grieve not, I’ve left a world of care,
To meet my God - to follow me prepare.
Wife and children, dry your tears,
For you I’ve laboured many years,
I always strove to do my best,
But now I’m gone to take my rest.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Dec 12th 1892, the wife of Mr. G.B. WEDDERBURN of a son.

On Wednesday last a severe thunderstorm passed to the east of the town. At Mr. CRONJE’s farm, Loop Spruit, the lightning struck the dwelling, which was burnt to the ground. Mrs. VOSTER was struck dead. The husband was badly burnt by the fluid. A servant girl was also struck dead and two others senseless. One was burnt to death in the house.

According to the Tarka Herald, on Saturday 3rd inst, what is supposed to be a most unfortunate accident occurred on the farm Klaarfontein. A son of Mr. P. HATTINGH’s (a bywoner) aged about 17, was in the habit of playing with the boy employed at the Police Camp on Klaarfontein. On Saturday, whilst they were playing, a younger son of Mr. HATTINGH, aged about 7 years, also came into the police quarters and stood close to the fireplace. It appears that the native boy Tickey got possession of a revolver that was hanging on one of the belts in the room, and commenced twisting it round, with the result that it exploded, the bullet striking the youngest brother on the right temple and passing through the head. The little one succumbed that evening about midnight.

We regret to have to record the decease of this lady, wife of Mr. S.W. DELL, od Lammermoor, Queenstown district, and second daughter of Mr. John HAYTON of this City. About a month ago in nursing her children through the measles, Mrs. DELL unfortunately caught cold, and had an attack of rheumatic fever, to which she was constitutionally liable. Her husband was telegraphed for abut three weeks ago, and has since been in town. Everything that careful nursing could accomplish was done – and the family are desirous to render special thanks to Sister Amy, as well as to Miss BURT and Mrs. Becher KEETON, for the kind and unremitting attention bestowed, and to Drs. Ed. ATHERSTONE and SAUNDERS – but the disease proved fatal, and Mrs. DELL expired last night. The funeral will take place early tomorrow morning. The bereaved family and relations have universal sympathy. Four little children are rendered motherless by this sad occurrence.

Thursday 15 December 1892

The inquest by the R.M. of Port Elizabeth on the body of Rosina WILLIAMS, who fell dead in the midst of the storm on Sunday night, and was supposed to have been struck with lightning, resulted in a verdict of death from shock. It appeared the woman was in a state in which any shock would have been dangerous, and the lightning striking so close to her, caused a fright which was fatal.

Saturday 17 December 1892

Tomorrow morning the service in Commemoration to be conducted by the Rev. H. COTTON will be a memorial service for the late Mr. Brooke ATTWELL, who was closely associated with the above-named Church from its earliest days.

Tuesday 20 December 1892

MARRIED at Bedford on the 13th inst, by the Rev. F. Philip, assisted by the Rev. P. Davidson, Frank Garner Dunbar, eldest son of Mr. F.L. GLADWIN, of Bedford, to Mary Edith, third daughter of Mr.George KING, of Elizabeth Farm, Bedford.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 15th December, Edwin Thomas BILLALD, of Nottingham, England, aged 32 years.

The funeral of the late Mr. Alexander PREW took place on Monday afternoon from the Kimberley Hospital, the number of mourners (reports the D.F. Advertiser) being large, including friends and many Rechabites and Good Templars. The Rev. J. HUGHES conducted the service at the grave in a most impressive manner, and at the conclusion the funeral services of both the Orders above-mentioned were read.

A sidelight has just been thrown on white barbarianism in the Eastern districts. Mr. James BARTLETT purchased a farm in the Queenstown division; the size of the holding was 400 morgen, and on inspection it was found to be occupied by ninety-two white persons and a large number of natives. These people had amongst them 2,500 head of small stock, and some of the whites had lived there for years in “dug-outs”, hole]s] dug in the ground, with a few sheets of iron for a roof. How they all managed to live is a mystery.

Mr. H.N. CHASE, Secretary to the Uitenhage Board of Executors, died a few days ago at his residence, aged 71. He was a son of the well-known Hon. J.C. CHASE, and was as highly respected as he was popular.

Thursday 22 December 1892

DIED at Kimberley on the 21st inst, Ann Letitia, the beloved wife of Henry Richard WOOD.
Grahamstown, December 21, 1892.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. Henry WOOD will leave from her late residence, Henry-st, Oatlands, tomorrow (Friday) morning at half past 8 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. No special invitations.

Extreme regret was felt and manifested when the sad news arrived in town yesterday morning of the decease of Mrs. Henry WOOD, in the Kimberley Hospital. Mrs. WOOD, who had somewhat exhausted her strength in assisting to nurse more than one sick relative, had gone to Kimberley for change and relaxation at the beginning of last month, but in a few days after her arrival she developed typhoid fever and was removed to the Hospital. At first it seemed as if the unremitting care of the staff of that Institution would be successful in restoring the patient; but of late unfavourable symptoms have manifested themselves, and it was known at the beginning of the week that her condition was dangerous. She expired on Wednesday morning at [5] o’clock, her husband and other members of the family being present. We learn that the interment is to take place in Grahamstown, and that the funeral will leave the family residence in Henry Street, Oatlands, at half past eight tomorrow (Friday) morning.
Mrs. WOOD was the eldest daughter of the Rev. W. and Mrs, IMPEY, and by her lamented decease, after a happy married life of 30 years, three sons and as many daughters are left motherless. She was a lady universally beloved for her kindly disposition, her hospitality, and her goodness to the poor; and her death is deplored by an unusually large circle of friends. We offer our sympathy to the bereaved husband and family, in an affliction which is the more overwhelming as following so closely on several deaths of near relatives which have quite recently occurred.

Thursday 29 December 1892

BIRTH at Collingham on the 28th December, the wife of Herbert WALLACE of a daughter.

Saturday 31 December 1892

PASSED INTO REST at Clumber on the 23rd December 1892, Henry PURDON, aged 82 years. One of the British Settlers of 1820.
His languishing head is at rest,
Its thinking and aching are o’er,
His quiet, immoveable breast
Is heaved by affliction no more.

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