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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1892 11 November

Saturday 5 November 1892

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday 30th Oct 1892, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of James MANDY, aged 42 years.
Requiescat in Pace
The bereaved family tender their sincere thanks to the many kind friends who assisted them in their affliction.

On Thursday afternoon it was noticed that Drs. SAUNDERS, GREATHEAD, CHEW, FITZGERALD and E. ATHERSTONE were called into Mr. J.R. BELL’s, and the fact created no little comment. It did not transpire until a little later in the afternoon that a young lady (Miss Mary Jane DICKSON) had succumbed in the surgery while under the influence of chloroform. It appears that the unfortunate young lady went to have her teeth attended to, and it was found necessary to place her under the influence of the drug. Dr. SAUNDERS was present to superintend the administration of the chloroform, which the patient took in the usual manner, and Mr. CORMACK L.D.S. (in Mr. J.R. BELL’s absence from town) proceeded to extract four teeth. Mr. CORMACK then suggested that another tooth, about which he had not been consulted, ought also to come out, and was turning to fetch the necessary instrument when the Doctor exclaimed “Stop! She has ceased breathing!” It was only too true. Every effort was at once made to induce respiration, but unhappily without avail. All the medical gentlemen mentioned above were called in, but Miss DICKSON was beyond the reach of medical aid, and after about an hour and a half all were forced to admit that life was extinct. It is supposed that the patient had an epileptic fit while under chloroform, and that this was the cause of death.
The deceased, who was only 24 years and 9 months old, was the youngest daughter of Major General DICKSON of Castletown, Isle of Man, and sister of J. Quayle DICKSON Esq, a prominent farmer in the Fort Beaufort district. The sad event has created a very melancholy impression throughout the city, and many are the expressions of regret for the young life so sadly and unexpectedly terminated, and of sympathy for the bereaved family. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of Mr. Harold B. GUEST, whither the body had been removed.
Since writing the above we learn that as the result of a post mortem examination by the District Surgeon, death is found to have resulted from failure of the heart’s action, and not from epilepsy. It is said that the deceased had been examined on three previous occasions in the Old Country, and the doctors told her that her heart was in good order.
Mr. HEMMING opened an inquest this morning, shortly before we went to press, and Messrs. CORMACK and H.B. GUEST gave evidence, bearing out in main the statements published above. Mr. A.S. HUTTON watched the proceedings on behalf of Dr. SAUNDERS.

The funeral of the late Mr. BOYES took place at Kimberley on the afternoon of Oct 28th, and was very largely attended. The coffin was covered with many beautiful wreaths, which testified to the excellent opinion all had of him. Among the wreaths placed on the grave was a beautiful one from the Old Andrean Club, bearing the words “Token of Sympathy from Andreans”. His place will be hard to fill, as he was very popular.

Tuesday 8 November 1892

On Sunday morning between 9 and 10 Messrs. Geo. EATON, E. EATON, H. SAUNDERSON, Alf. SMITH, W. BARTLE and another went for a walk in Gowie’s Park, and having arrived at one of the dames (the one nearest the cowsheds), the four first named decided to have a bathe, and were soon in the water. The dam is shallow for a few yards, when there is a high bank concealed by the water, which then becomes rapidly deeper, until in the deepest part there are about 25 feet of water. Ted EATON and Alf. SMITH were unable to swim, and they were standing unconsciously on the very edge of this dangerous bank, watching SAUNDERSON, who was showing them the depth of the water at another spot. All of a sudden the two non-swimmers stepped over into the deep water, and lost their heads at finding no ground beneath their feet, and struggled desperately with one another. Their shouts at once brought Geo. EATON and SAUNDERSON to the rescue, and no sooner were the latter at the spot than the drowning men clutched them round their throats, and at one moment it looked as if all four would go down together. Presently SAUNDERSON managed to get free and to tug Ted EATON to land, leaving Geo. EATON to struggle with Alf. SMITH. The two in the water were quite exhausted, and so were those on land; but the latter recovered sufficiently to hold a stick to Geo. EATON, who was almost done for, and he managed to extricate himself and get ashore, only just in time. The three then turned their attention again to SMITH, but he was just sinking, and the hand of his extended arm went below for the last time before anything could be done. This was about a quarter past eleven. The other bathers at once made every effort to recover the body, but could find no trace of it, and ultimately went for assistance. From then till nightfall, and all night long, efforts were made to recover the body. All the afternoon a crowd of men stood round the dam watching the proceedings. Mr. W. YOUNG, Mr. D. McLEOD, Mr. A. SHACKLETON, two European constables, two convicts and others made repeated dives into the water and groped about in the slimy mud, but found nothing. Then dynamite was tried, and charge after charge exploded without more effect than to kill a few frogs. Then the convicts were sent over the hill to the Cradock Road Dam, where a small pleasure-boat belonging to a private individual is kept. With this they returned, and P.C. YOUNGMAN and two young men manning it, propelled it around the dam by means of palings or pieces of plank in the absence of oars. In the bows YOUNGMAN stood and worked extemporised grapplers, dragging the dam in all directions unsuccessfully. At dusk the majority of those present went home, but the EATONs, P.C YOUNGMAN and several of their friends remained all night, and continued the search by the dim moonlight. The work seemed hopeless, until shortly before 5, YOUNGMAN procured a very long bamboo and fished with it. Then the body was found near a reedy bank, and not far from where it had disappeared. It was soon landed and laid out on the bank, awaiting conveyance to town. Those who hold that drowning is a pleasant way of dying would have found their views strengthened on looking at the dead man’s placid expression, as he lay with folded arms on the turf. He appeared to be simply sleeping. Mr. GOUGH’s wagonette was soon on the spot, and the body was borne to it on a litter extemporised from oars and sticks, and conveyed to town.
The death of the deceased leaves a wife and children in anything but easy circumstances, and it is mentioned as an additional misfortune that he had omitted to pay up the last premium on his insurance policy in the Colonial Mutual. Great sympathy is felt for the bereaved family in their affliction.
The deceased was a member of the 1st City Volunteers, and also of the Sons of England, and his remains were this afternoon escorted to their last resting place by his former comrades in the Corps and his brethren of St.Alban’s Lodge. The Worthy Chaplain of the Lodge (Rev. W.H. PARKHURST) conducted the solemn service at the graveside, to which the sad circumstances of the case lent additional impressiveness. Deceased was a steady, industrious man, who had many friends and no enemies.
[Transcriber’s Note: There follows some details of the inquest, which basically corroborated the information above]

A case of poisoning occurred at Bushneck, Adelaide (says the Enterprise) on Tuesday. A little daughter of Mr. Robert LONG fell suddenly from her chair whilst at tea, and on examination into the cause it was ascertained that the child, who was suffering intense pain, had eaten a quantity of stramonium seed. Medical ais was promptly summoned and now there is every hope of her recovery.

Saturday 12 November 1892

On the 9th November at Mount Pleasant, Clumber, Reuben TIMM, aged 60.
“Jesus is calling us one by one”.
The bereaved family desire specially to thank Dr. ATHERSTONE, of Port Alfred, for his thoughtful kindness in their sad sorrow.

Miss Christine PREACHEY, the leading lady of the new Dramatic Company, just brought out by Albert MARSH for the Standard Theatre Syndicate, died at Johannesburg, after a few days’ most acute suffering from dysentery. The community is much shocked by the untoward event, as Miss PREACHEY had established herself a favourite on her first appearance. Mr. Windham GUISE, one of the Globe Burlesque Company, is down with fever again, and Miss Gladys VANE, another member of the same Company, who was seriously ill at the Hospital, is only just convalescent.

The death of Mr. Geo. P. PERKS, of Kingwilliamstown, is announced. He had been ailing for some time, and an acute attack of bronchitis led to a fatal termination on Saturday last. Mr. PERKS was an old and highly respected resident of Kingwilliamstown, where he had carried on a large business as a jeweller for many years. He was a man of considerable intelligence, and as a Freemason of high standing was widely known and highly esteemed by the craft throughout South Africa. For some years and at the time of his death he held the position of Deputy District Grand Master under the English Constitution.

Mr. HEMMING, C.C. and R.M., has returned a verdict of “accidental death” as a result of the enquiry into the death of the late Miss Mary DICKSON.

Thursday 17 November 1892

BIRTH at Port Alfred on Nov 15th, the wife of the Rev. F.W. FLACK of a son.

A farmer of Isopo, Durban, named James ASHWORTH, while looking after a vulture he had shot, slipped and fell over a precipice a distance of 140 feet, and was killed.

Saturday 19 November 1892

DIED at Stoneridge, Cathcart, the residence of her son, R.W. CALDERWOOD, on the 15th November 1892, Mary Elizabeth, relict of the late Rev. H. CALDERWOOD, aged 80 years.

Tuesday 22 November 1892

BIRTH at Grahamstown on November 21st 1892, the wife of W.G. CINNAMON of a daughter.

Oct 24 at St.Stephen’s Church, Westbourne Park, by the Rev. C.A.S. NICOLL, cousin of the bride, assisted by the Rev. T. Harvey Brooks, vicar, the Rev. Arthur D.M.GOWIE, curate of St.Andrew’s, Hertford, seventh son of Charlie Ross GOWIE, of Grahamstown , Cape Colony, South Africa, to Margaret Henrietta, third daughter of [Colonel] Henry NICOLL B.S.C.

Between nine and ten o’clock last night (says a Kimberley paper) a fire broke out at the resident [sic] of Mrs. WEARE, Gladstone, under peculiar circumstances. Mr. SMITH, son of Mrs. WEARE, had only left the house, in which his mother and four brothers and sisters were asleep, a couple of minutes when the alarm was raised, and rushing back he saw the building in flames. His first care was to rescue the inmates, and this proved to be a work of some danger, two of the younger ones being sick, and he had to lift them through the window. Mrs. WEARE and the invalids were severely burnt ere being removed to a place of safety. There was no time to save more than a box of clothing, and the structure of iron and calico lined, with the contents, was destroyed, the place not being insured.

On Wednesday afternoon (says the Cape Times) a girl names Anne NICHOLL, daughter of Mr. J. NICHOLL, of Woodstock, was accidentally drowned in a vley on Wynberg Flats. The deceased was on a visit to Mr. ESTERMAN’s farm, and went out to gather flowers, with her host’s little daughter. They got to the vley, and it is supposed that Annie NICHOLL, in trying to catch some of the minnows which were swimming in the water, overbalanced herself and fell in. The little one gave the alarm, and the poor girl was got out, but life was extinct. A number of relatives and friends followed the hearse, as also did the children and teachers of the Trinity Church School, of which the deceased was a scholar. After the grave had been filled in it was found impossible to place the whole of the wreaths upon the mound, and the grave of Mrs. NICHOLL, the girl’s mother, was covered with them.

DIED at Grahamstown, Nov 21st 1892, David HOOD, aged 41 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave the residence of Mr. James McLAREN, corner of Beaufort and Bathurst-streets, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at half past 4 o’clock. Friends invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

Thursday 24 November 1892

PASSED AWAY on the 17th November 1892, at Allendale, Cala, Jemima WAKEFORD, beloved wife of Thomas WAKEFORD, aged 79 years and 10 months.
Oh! Death, where is thy Sting?
Oh! Grave, where is thy Victory?

The death is announced of Mr. James FICHAT of Queenstown on Wednesday last. The deceased gentleman had a long and honourable public service, dating back to [1888], when he commenced public life as a junior clerk to the C.C. and R.M. of Grahamstown. From then up to a few months ago his public career was unbroken. He was much esteemed and highly respected throughout the Colony, and especially in Queenstown, where he was at one time C.C. and R.M. On retiring from the service he took up his residence there.
[Transcriber’s Note: the date given appears quite clearly to be 1888 but the text suggests this is a misprint]

A little time ago, in Melbourne, a young girl died suddenly – at least was supposed to be dead – two days prior to her wedding day. The body was placed in the coffin and the lid screwed down a few hours before the time affixed for the burial. Her grief-stricken lover was permitted to remain for a while alone with the dead. Presently he was heard to cry for help, and the girl’s father and brother entering the room, found the lover prising open the coffin with a poker. In a few minutes a very much alive and hysterical corpse was clasped in the lover’s arms, and the clergyman, invited to read the burial service, performed the marriage ceremony instead.

Saturday 26 November 1892

The Star hears from Roodspoort that a young farmer, Mr. G. SOUTHEY, aged about 26 years, and a connection of Sir Richard SOUTHEY K.C.M.G., of Capetown, was struck by lightning whilst ploughing on Thursday and killed. The brother of the deceased gentleman, who was working alongside of him, was likewise struck, but he recovered from the effects of the lightning, only to discover, however, that his brother was lying dead beside him.

Tuesday 29 November 1892

BIRTH on Saturday Nov 26th at Grahamstown, the wife of Charles E. PERKINS of a son.

MARRIED on the 14th Nov 1892, at St.Bartholomew’s Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. C.H.L. Packman MA, George WILL, formerly of Grahamstown, to Nellie CARTER of Port Elizabeth.

MARRIED at West Hill Wesleyan Church on Monday Nov 28th, by the Rev. Theo. Chubb BA, Mary Frances, eldest daughter of J. SLATER Esq. to Charles Rawstorne CHALMERS, A.R.M. of Vryburg, only son of W.B. CHALMERS Esq, of East London.

DIED SUDDENLY at Grahamstown, Saturday night, November 26th 1892, Duncan Campbell NAPIER, late Assistant Commissary-General, aged 70 years, 4 months, 4 days.

At nine o’clock yesterday morning an unusually large congregation assembled in West Hill Wesleyan Church to witness the wedding ceremony which united Miss Mary Frances SLATER (eldest daughter of J. SLATER Esq of Grahamstown) to Mr. Charles R. CHALMERS, son of W.B. CHALMERS Esq, of East London, but formerly C.C. and R.M. of Kingwilliamstown. Mr. C.R. CHALMERS was formerly in the Civil Commissioner’s office here, where he has many friends, who have, since his transfer to the Imperial Service, watched with interest his rapid progress upwards in the Bechuanaland protectorate. He is now A.R.M. of Vryburg. The bride was given away by her father, Mr. J. SLATER, and the marriage ceremony was conducted by the Rev. Theo CHUBB BA. The proceeding was designedly of the quietest description, but a large number of relatives and friends sat down after the ceremony to a collation at the residence of the bride’s father in Oatlands. Mr. and Mrs. CHALMERS left by the 11am train for Port Elizabeth, on a somewhat extended honeymoon tour, throughout the course of which, as well as in their new home, the good wishes of very many friends will follow them. We wish them long life and happiness.

An old citizen has suddenly died in the person of Major NAPIER, formerly Assistant Commissary-General at Kingwilliamstown. The old gentleman lived entirely alone in Lawrance St, and the servant left him sitting at the table on Saturday evening, after first asking if he would require anything more. He replied in the negative. He never required anything more in this world, for he never apparently rose from the table. In the morning the servant’s knock was unanswered, and looking through the window, the old gentleman’s figure was seen still sitting as on the previous evening, before the table. The front door was not locked, and the servant on entering found her master had passed away. The deceased has, we understand, a sister in Natal, but no other kin in this country.
The funeral took place yesterday afternoon and was well attended. Councillor WICKS and Mr. ANDREWS were chief mourners and the pall-bearers were Councillors H. WOOD, Major NESBITT, Jno. WOOD, D. SAMPSON, W.A. SMITH and Hon. W. AYLIFF.

On Monday morning about eleven o’clock a man named COLLINS, for many years in the employ of Messrs. J.J. Irvine & Co’s business here, went down to the beach in company with his brother. The unfortunate man was evidently suffering from temporary insanity (says a contemporary) for he is said to have believed that he was able to walk on the waves and had special power from Heaven, and he at once made an attempt, and went into the breakers. His brother and a cabman rushed in after him, but were unable to stop the poor fellow, who was soon lost sight of, and up to the time of writing his body has not been recovered.


  • Hits: 1937